
Aug 07, 2009 10:52

The Fringe is OPEN! And remarkably sunny :)

Got a new song brewing, this time a love-letter to the audience. Can't wait to get back to Londres and start working with the almost fully-assembled Tijuana Bibles :) Eeeeeeeeeeee! Backing tracks can suck my balls; making lots of noise is where it's at.

First night went rather well considering that the sound system is bloody awful and one of the other performers kept trying to hijack my little puppy-eyed technician while we were setting up. Methinks this is not the way to get rich quick but enjoying traumatising Nick-From-New-York while he's on the sound desk very much.

So much to look forward to- picking up Golden Ticket, taking D'Limits for his first trip to Monster Mash (honestly, what HAS he been doing all these years?), Maria coming to stay, Luci and Dave coming to play, Bitz The Younger coming up for a jaunt, the Bongo Club launching tonight........

And taking the Bitzmobile out on her maiden flyering mission today :)
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