man, I've been so busy lately! I told Tim today that the next months leading up to the wedding are going to be nothing but working overtime and working out for me, I can't believe it's almost 8 months until we get married.
so in wedding news.. we have our guest list made (we could only invite 18 people, sorry if you weren't invited! but we are planning on a beach party summer of 2008 for everyone in texas to celebrate.. so don't worry, we'll all get together for that!), next weekend we are going to a travel agent to talk honeymoons, we have to fill out our wedding paperwork for our disney wedding, I've talked to my wedding coordinator and she was sooo sweet, and tomorrow I'm doing my first official dress fitting! I'm kinda nervous and going alone.. I wish my mom and sister could come do this with me.. but I guess that's the price you pay being so far from family. I've found a dress I *love* and am going to try it on tomorrow .. here it is:
the other exciting thing going on is my raw diet stuff.. I've been on it officially now for one week and have lost three pounds.. but I wasn't working out with it like I should. I also went this past weekend to my first Level I raw "cooking" class! It was so much fun and I'm going to get a certificate for completing it. If I take the Level II class I will be able to teach the basic level one class, and there isn't anyone here in syracuse who's actively teaching or talking about the raw food diet, so I'd be like the pioneer raw person in the area! I could teach at the health food store or the grocery store.. do little demonstrations... even be a personal chef and prepare the food for people who want to eat this way but don't have the time. I'm hoping to eventually make a business out of this.. it's all so exciting! The teacher, Toby, emailed me today to thank me for coming to the class and told me it was so great meeting me and that she knew I'd do really well teaching raw foods because of my personality and because I was so enthusiastic about it! What a compliment! And she offered to let Tim and I stay with her and her husband in April if we go for the Level II class. That's so encouraging to hear .. especially from someone who's been teaching and working as a personal chef for a while.
aight, gotta get going.. I"m sure there is something I can find that needs to be taken care of around here before bed.. laundry, dishes, phone calls, email, etc.. Hope you all are well!