Jan 11, 2009 21:06
My boyfriend and I were just at the Subway and while we were eating there this cop comes in. Now anyone who knows me knows that I hate cops and my b/f does too, but we don't go looking for trouble. He finally gets his food just as we finish and is getting his drink as we go out the door. What we didn't know was that he was going straight back to his car out the other side of this small building. As we head back the short walk to our car my boyfriend mutters, "Would you like some bacon?" Not making the connection I chirp, "Bacon?!" then suddenly realize that he was referencing the pig when I notice that he's 12 feet away from me, walking to his car. We have a brief "holy shit" moment and we get in the car and wait for him to drive off before we head out too. I'm not scared of pigs, but my b/f is. He's a chicken-heart, so this was a terrible moment for him and a laugh-riot for me.
Inside the car my b/f reasons that if he heard us he had to know what we were talking about because no one just chirps "bacon" for no reason.
Anywho... thought that was funny.