Listen up! Someone ordered the London Philharmonic, possibly while high...Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction.
Tonight Isaac and I were talking about this guy we both know who magically turned hot. I asked when he became leather sex wheel pants. Isaac laughed and started singing "uber. leather. sexwheelpants!" and making this sort of industrial music noise in the background.
And then I nearly choked laughing because it reminded me exactly of this local band my friend Sera and I used to just adore in high school: Index. We wrote them an anonymous fan latter. Shh, don't tell. I had a mad crush on one of the guys, Cody. Sera was dating his brother at the time. We were 16 or so?
One of the songs...the lyrics literally went "I'm melting...slowly..." and that's it. I laughed so fucking hard, remembering. I really wish I still had the tape around to play for Isaac. He'd die. I think
ceridwyn knows those guys, too...this town is too small.
It's a damn full moon and I feel all twitchy. We're going to go walk at the park in a few.
Best epsidode EVER of the Simpsons is on: Hullabalooza. But wait? Did they cut the Otto's jacket/smoking out stuff?
"Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.
Homer Simpson, smiling politely!"