[Original] [Boot] Writerverse Challenge #26: Part Two.

May 10, 2012 17:08

The Cast

Kate Macrae
Jessica Sula

Joseph 'Joey' Newport
Nathan Stewart-Jarrett

Spencer Harland
Oliver Jackson-Cohen

The Pilot
We start with a montage of the characters - going about their daily lives, boring things, average things they all share in common. Waking up - Joey waking up late, Spencer waking up excessively early, Kate somewhere in between. We see them getting ready for the day and their shared fitness routines - Kate is the most committed to fitness, spending more time at the gym than the two men. We see a little of the difference in their lives, even through the similarities.

After the daily routine montage, we split off and focus on Kate. We meet her family and her friends, and see her enthusiasm. We see that she's very friendly, an all around people person. Most importantly, we see her preparation for Basic Training. We learn that she's very close to her mother, and her mum is incredibly worried about her - not for basic training itself, but because she has no doubts that Kate will succeed and that means joining the Army.

Next, we meet Joey in more depth. We see how hardworking he is, working two jobs and still fitting in time for preparation for basic training. We meet his large family, and that he's fairly quiet compared to them. We see that he doesn't have many friends, not in a "loner" kind of way, but because he simply prefers to have a close couple.

Finally, we meet Spencer and his military family. We learn that he's not quite on good terms with them, that he doesn't quite like that even his home life is like being in the army. We see his trepidation about joining, and also learn a little about the secret he's keeping from his family. Most importantly, we see one of his friends urging him to sneak out "after hours" and his refusal.

We end with a montage again, this time of them arriving at the camp for basic training. We see their last moments with the family that came with them and then it ends.

Regular Episode
I imagine this being a British TV show, which typically have very small seasons - 6 - 8 episodes. Therefore, each character would be the main focus of one episode. For example, this episode would be Spencer's.

A regular episode focuses on three main aspects - the training, the friendship between Joey, Spencer & Kate and the individual problems they're dealing with.

By this point, we'd already have learned the format of the days at basic training, and wouldn't need much of a reminder. We'd see training, but only because so much of their time is spent training, that there's little else time.

The budding friendship between the three recruits is going strong - they're comfortable with each other, and any staleness in the air between them has been relieved. They have other friends outside of the trio, but they're closer. Because of this, Spencer has no trouble airing the fact he feels that people are being tougher on him because he's from a military family even though he's more or less just as clueless as everyone else. He knows things like rank, sure, but he's never put his body or his mind through something so tough before. Joey disagrees, but Kate can see where he's coming from.

We also learn that Spencer is avoiding his family - while everyone else uses their spare time to call family and friends, he prefers not to. Joey takes him aside to ask why, and they end up butting heads because Spencer feels like it's none of his business. It's a minor argument, but it leaves both Joey & Kate wondering.

The Finale
The season ends with the obvious - the passing out parade. The three recruits have made it through, even though they've had trouble and lost other friends along the way. They're stronger and more confident for it, and this is their moment to shine.

We see their preparations, and also meet their families again as they prepare. The trio are excited - passing out doesn't only mean they've succeeded, but it means they're onto their trade training next - they'll finally be doing exactly what they want to be doing.

It's a proud moment for everyone, and the three are glad for each other. Two of them - Kate and Joey - will be going for trade training together, but Spencer will have to leave them. It's a little sad for them, but they know they'll be able to see each other soon, and they're determined not to let anything ruin the day.

for: writerverse, type: original

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