[Prompts] 30 Prompts/30 Days - Round 3

Sep 14, 2012 23:32

1. travel
2. poem
3. art
4. science fiction
5. photo
6. original
7. art
8. angels & demons
9. photo
10. poem
11. quote
12. an unresolved fight
13. utopia
14. image
15. 2 pieces of art (your choice): one | two
16. “mirror verse” - what’s good is bad, what’s bad is good; opposite of canon reality.
17. poem
18. major character death
19. fata organa
20. art
21. art
22. poem
23. photo
24. art
25. dog tags
26. photo
27. poem
28. song
29. 3 words (your choice):
  • Pyrrhic: of a victory, having high levels of casualties or damage on both sides
  • Elusive: difficult to find, catch, or achieve; avoiding or having a tendency to avoid or evade
  • Ambivalence: simultaneous, conflicted feelings towards a thing, person, etc.
30. photo

type: prompts, type: prompt table, for: 30 days & 30 prompts

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