[Generation Kill] [Brad/Nate] sun cut ribbons

Aug 15, 2012 17:00

Title: sun cut ribbons
Subject: Generation Kill | Brad/Nate
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Life goes on.
Notes: Inspired by we don't eat by james vincent mcmorrow. assasins!verse because i love it more than air. same verse as of the wild ones, fever and the sound of silence.
WC: 408

Brad leaves and life goes on. It's Brad, there's no drama, no nothing, a letter to Godfather and a quiet I'm sorry with moonlight on his face and then there's nothing. There's a bed made for two and too much food and a basket full of laundry that Nate forgets to get done.

Life goes on, but the road changes. Nate doesn't take assignments anymore. He doles them out, watches other people put their lives at risk. He doesn't take on any mentorships, gives them to Walt and Rudy and Mike and watches them take men and women under their wings, watches them shape people the way he'd shaped Brad.

He doesn't keep the better assignments in a separate folder anymore. He doesn't give anyone a choice. He doesn't ever think Brad would love this.

He forgets when he orders a pizza that the usual means a six cheese and buffalo chicken. He forgets that he's never liked Heineken.

He talks to himself, because there's nobody else to talk to. He gets a dog, a ridiculous labrador mix with floppy ears and a stupid grin and he calls it Helios and there's nobody there to laugh at him so he does it himself. It's not the same.

A year passes and Nate adjusts. He sees a woman for a month or two, she's smart and she's gorgeous and she's funny and she's the sort of woman that Nate had once seen himself marrying. He can't imagine it now, the wedding, the children. It ends amicably. They have coffee once a week and Nate will one day go to her wedding to a man nothing like him.

He eats alone. He walks Helios. He goes to work.

He sees Ray shot and he tries to find a way to tell Brad, a phone number, email, social networking, anything, but there's nothing.

Ray gets better without Brad and Nate doesn't. Ray retires and Nate doesn't. He watches Ray and Walt go and he ignores the grey hairs starting to come in and he doesn't call what he's doing waiting.

Brad comes back and life goes on. It's Brad, there's no drama, no nothing. Nate comes home from work and Brad is on his sofa, paler, hair shorter, Helios drooling against his his thigh and there's a quiet I'm sorry with sunlight in his eyes. There's a bed made for two and never enough food and the laundry always gets done.

character: brad colbert, fandom: generation kill, character: nate fick, for: 30 days & 30 prompts, pairing: brad/nate, type: au

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