[Prompts] Random hoarding of prompts - TBC

Aug 01, 2012 18:43

Any, any slash pairing, Our friendship would be less complicated if your dad didn't think I was forcing you into having gay sex with me.
Any, any, adjusting to becoming a vampire
Any, any, the last of the water is consumed on the seventh day
any, any, genderswap AU
author's choice, author's choice, Richard Siken's "A Primer for the Small Weird Loves"
any; any; "Remember me, okay? This is all gonna change, but you've got to remember me."
Author’s choice, author’ s choice, if the end comes today… this will have been enough
Author's choice; author's choice; I lied when I said it didn't hurt.
Any, Any, "It's a Tuesday - of course we're getting attacked by rabid Zombies."
Genderswap your OTP.
Author's choice, any/any, right kind of wrong
Author's choice, author's choice, doing something nice and/or harmless, just this once.
Any, Any, "Hey old man, rest your head, you're breaking down inside.
Armour's cracked, set to collapse, damn you, don't you cry."-Nightmares by Chameleon Circuit
Any, any, the last of the water is consumed on the seventh day
author's choice, author's choice, eventually you reach the point where you just can't be afraid anymore
author's choice, author's choice, who ever knew you could become addicted to killing?

Generation Kill
War does not decide who is right; war decides who is left...
the five minutes between waking up and realising that the person you love is still gone

Harry Potter
It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. (PD James)
Harry Potter, Harry + Al, he understands why his mother stood between him and a murderer

Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, space pirates
Teen Wolf, Jackson/Danny, Ignoring the rumors...
Teen Wolf, Jackson/Danny, First Time
Teen Wolf, Allison (+Any), starting over is like always falling.
Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles, you are the place where I find peace
There are three things you need to know: it was an accident, it was tragic, it wasn’t. your. fault…
empath AU
Serial killer!Sterek. They show each other how much they love each other by murdering together.
Wartime AU. Historical or futuristic/apocalyptic. They’re all soldiers/battlefield medics in a bloody war.
Timelord!Derek and Companion!Stiles
Derek gets arrested and Stiles works at/runs the place where Derek is assigned community service
When everything gets taken care of, anger stops working for Derek. Stiles becomes his new anchor.

type: prompts

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