[Harry Potter] [Godric/Salazar] Wars

Jul 27, 2012 18:53

Title: Wars
Subject: Harry Potter | Godric/Salazar
Rating: PG
Summary: "Couldn't get enough of me, huh?" | 3 moments across two wars.
Notes: Possibly doesn't make sense. Two wars - vampire and werewolf that were kind of started because Salazar asked for help. Follows on from Morning Moon, count that as "0". Inspired by “This is not my war. Why did you make this my war?”

It's still strange, the way Godric can just call Salazar and moments later, he'll be there, a scowl on his face but still there.

"Is this about your stupid dog war-"

"Fuck you," Godric says, but there's no anger to it, he's heard it all before. He stretches out on the sofa, kicks his feet up on the arm and stares up at Salazar over them.

"I don't want anything to do with it," Salazar says, like he wasn't interrupted. Like his liason idea had nothing to do with it. "It's none of my business. We're busy enough with our own."

"Maybe I just missed you." He pouts, flutters his eyelashes and grins when Salazar raises an eyebrow. "Come here. Shut up, and come here."

Godric wakes up in Salazar's bed, bruised and bitten and slowly healing. There's a bitemark lingering on his neck, a smear of fingertips on his thighs. He remembers a bite alongside it, a scratch on his ribs, but they're long gone now. He smells of Salazar, the smell of blood all mixed up with him.

"Will you help me?" Salazar says, lurking in the shadows of the room, startling Godric out of his daze. "Help us."

"Sure." He stretches, pushes his hips into the mattress, arches his back upwards. Salazar's watching him, intent and focused and desiring. "I'd have said yes weeks ago though."

Godric meets his creepy stalker from the forest in a bar. He catches the scent of him, the strange metallic smell and when he turns around, the man is staring at him from across the room.

"Couldn't get enough of me, huh?" he says, pushing himself into the man's space, wedging them close together in the shadows. "Are you in love with me?"

"Shut up, dog," the man says, hisses, even, but he doesn't move away. "I need to know what your sort think about that murder."

"I don't even know your name, mister," Godric says. "I can't tell you any wolf secrets."

"Salazar." He grabs Godric's wrist, holds it tightly and stares at him. "Now tell me what you know."

character: salazar slytherin, pairing: godric/salazar, fandom: harry potter, character: godric gryffindor, type: au

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