[multiple fandoms/original] [multiple characters] One Sentence Fics

Jul 09, 2012 15:10

Title: Seconds
Prompt: All fifteen.
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Original, Teen Wolf, Generation Kill, Harry Potter.
Pairings (if any): James/Teddy, Derek/Stiles, Scott/Allison, Brad/Nate.
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/Underage): None.
Summary: One sentence fics.

Harry Potter | James & Teddy | pirates
They play pirates, the sofa their ship, laundry their sails and their dreams far off lands.

Original | OC | firefly
There's no stars to see on Omicron 7, the atmosphere too thick and tarry for that, but there's fireflies to take their place.

Harry Potter | James/Teddy | snow
James comes with the snow, fills the flat, fills Teddy with an impossible warmth and ridiculous cheer, and then he leaves with the sun.

Original | OC | countdown
They're strapped in, Evie to his left and Cyril to his right, Hazel at the controls as the countdown echos through the ship - five...four...three...two...one, lift off.

Harry Potter | Lily Luna | lawyer
James works in a little shop on Diagon Alley, sells odd little knick-knacks, Albus follows dad, becomes an Auror because he can and Lily, Lily becomes a lawyer and fights for what she thinks is right.

Teen Wolf | Lydia | order
She keeps her school work in alphabetical order by class, her wardrobe colour coded and her shoes by likelihood of wearing them, but she can't seem to even keep her life in a straight line.

Generation Kill | Ray | underworld
Ray's the worst kind of reaper and still, somehow, the best; he talks people's ears off, but they don't get a chance to worry about being dead.

Harry Potter | Helga | role models
The children love Helga, the little ones cling to her skirts and listen to her stories; the older ones stay further away, but they listen too.

Generation Kill | Brad/Nate | casino
It's a gamble, the way they keep doing this, Nate with a wife and Brad with a girlfriend, but neither of them care to stop.

Original | Archer | daybreak
He watches the sun rise over the city because Hadrian can't.

Teen Wolf | Scott/Allison | compass
He finds his way back to her, no matter what.

Teen Wolf | Stiles/Derek | proposition
Maybe Stiles isn't particularly up to date on flirting traditions, but he thinks it might be safe to say that Derek murmuring I want you counts as something like a proposition.

Generation Kill | Ray | cowboys
"Fuck yeah, bitches," Ray crows, kicking his feet up onto the control panel. "We're space cowboys now."

Original | Archer & Beth | friendship
Beth doesn't judge him, she just holds his hand and whispers it's okay.

Original | Mikhail | giggle
The first time Elodie giggles, gurgling her laughter as she blinks up at him, Mikhail knows it's going to be okay.

character: allison argent, character: beth west, pairing: scott/allison, character: nate fick, character: james sirius potter, for: writerverse, pairing: stiles/derek, character: brad colbert, character: lydia martin, character: teddy lupin, character: archer kinlan, fandom: generation kill, character: ray person, character: derek hale, character: original, character: stiles stilinski, fandom: harry potter, character: helga hufflepuff, type: original, pairing: brad/nate, fandom: teen wolf, pairing: james/teddy, character: lily luna potter, character: scott mccall, type: au

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