Забежал на котаку, а там вот такие веселые чиселки. Прямо чувствуется, как PC-рынок агонизирует... ;)
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 118
Number of titles for last year's TGS: 76
Nintendo DS
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 109
Number of titles for last year's TGS: 41
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 40
Number of titles for last year's TGS: 11
PlayStation 3
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 23
Number of titles for last year's TGS: 12
Xbox 360
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 22
Number of titles for last year's TGS: 17
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 16
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 8
Number of titels for last year's TGS: 8
PlayStation 2
Number of titles for this year's TGS: 1
Number of titles for last year's TGS: 0