As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain

Oct 06, 2006 21:12

Alright, clearly I've once again half-neglected you. Deepest apologies. Ok, anyway. I am quite amused. By a few things, which I will then amuse you with.

THIS is a video clip of James Marsters and David Boreanaz on UK TRL for the dvd release of Angel: season five - and it's hilarious. James is being quite the naughty thinker on this one. He reverts to Spike mentality....and I'm not complaining, it's completely entertaining. Plus, they trick this poor blindfolded "vampire hunter" into wandering around aimlessly and then down into the women's restrooms when they were supposed to be leading him to this "vampire" - it's funny as hell. Behind the cut so I don't spam anyone.

Hehe. "Yeah, you took it baby, and you liked it" - Spike comment. Very much so in fact.

And I'm starting a random roleplay with a friend of mine. It's entertaining. Basically, it's A Midsummer Night's Dream (by Shakespeare) - save we're filling in the characters with others from three of our favorite fandoms: Phantom of the Opera (literary), Pirates of the Caribbean, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. hehehe.
If anyone is familiar with the play, the main character replacements, settings, and other details are as follows:

Theseus: Giles (BTVS)
Hypolytta: Tia Dalma (POTC)
Hermia: Buffy (BTVS)
Lysander: Spike (BTVS)
Helena: Elizabeth Swann (POTC
Demetrius: Jack Sparrow (POTC)
Obereon: Erik (Phantom) (POTO
Titania: Christine Daae (POTO
Bottom: Gibbs (POTC)
Puck: Andrew (BTVS)

Random as hell, eh? Yeah - it's supposed to be. As for the reasoning behind this? The fates got bored and decided to tinker with everyone who were all reading the same play. The setting/time wise in each particular fandom, is as follows:

Buffy: Season Six  - After Gone, before Seeing Red. Spike and Buffy are having their little affair, Buffy's still being stubborn, Spike still loves her anyway. It's before his little attempted-rape,badly written fiasco.

Pirates: During Dead Man's Chest - while Jack and Elizabeth are on the Pearl, heading to Isla Crucez. Briefly following the "Curiousity" conversation on deck. We are saying, yes, Elizabeth and Jack have feelings for each other aside from physical attraction and adventure-addiction, though it's hidden behind both of those things to the point they refuse to comprehend it.

Phantom: Personal AU, though based on Leroux. By a turn of events we're not going into details with yet, Erik and Christine ended up together, all-be-it having their issues. Erik's not dieing - and he has a nose, let's be realistic. You really can't have much of a singing voice if you can't breathe through your nose. Half-face deformity, but the deformity reaches the entire half of his face, and is to a Leroux/Kay combination quality.
No Gerard Butler, not really any resemblance to him either and he's thin - not skin and bones, as he has to be strong as said in the book, but he's thin. Slim/thin to an almost-seeing-ribs extent, though not quite that bad, with something of muscle tonage, though little. High, very apparent cheekbones. Deadly pallor, not sunken in eyes, though dark circles around them giving them that appearance. Glowing yellow eyes, yes, but almost golden in reality. Dark hair - wig or not, not classified. You get the point - it's Erik.
Christine is something of my own design, though nothing close to Emmy Christine or even Sarah Christine. No ALW giant 'dear caught in the headlights' doe eyes. She's more of a curious girl, long dark hair  (not blonde, I know, but I don't really see her as blonde. It's supposed to be AU so don't shoot me - I'm avoiding canon on purpose, with artistic license. Blame my dreams -  I have very strange ones) and she doesn't have the mentality of a bloody five year old. Consider her almost a Mina to Erik's Dracula, save without the intense kindness. "Oh poor dear" - none of that. She's distant, has blue eyes, not giant ones either. High cheekbones, softened facial features. Not skin and bones, but light. Maybe weighing in about 120. About 5'5 or 5'4. She doesn't have an ego, but she's not so timid she resembles a child. She has a bit more of a spine than the others, and not so much sympathy it overrules her actions. Will elaborate with that later.

And then, I'm easily amused because I'm on strange allergy meds, but other than that...boredom ensues. G'night everyone.

phantom of the opera, clip, crossover, btvs, text entry, potc

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