Mar 16, 2008 23:11
Ok, so this is mainly personal arrogance, but...there aren't enough one-shots around, are there? There's ten thousand drabbles a day and a large amount of multi-chapter fics, but one shots are underestimated. Ficlets, whatever you wish to call them - they're usually all my fickle little attention span can manage. Not to mention they're usually smutty as hell, which is nice, but...
Would anyone be interested in helping me moderate a multifandom one-shot community? I'm not sure on the specifics, whether it should be open to all fandoms, or if I should just pick some that are generally related, or if perhaps (being simply in a shameless fangirl mood here, so bare with me) I pick a category say...Johnny Depp characters. Hmm...decisions.
Anyway...any takers? Ideas?