name - marc
birthday - 4.26.82
birthplace - boston mass
current mood - goofy
current taste - turkey tacos!
current hair - messy
current clothes - pants... shirt... key board?
current annoyance - jesus
current smell - turkey tacos
current thing you ought to be doing - getting tattooed
current favorite band - i've been listening to a lot of suicidal tendencies lately
current book - fuck books (i agree with dave on this one)
current cd in stereo - some sampler
current crush - hot chicks
current favorite celeb - Satan!
smoke - nope
do drugs - nope
have a dream that keeps coming back - just the one where i kill you and bang your girl friend
remember your first real love - i was in the first grade...
still love them - na man fuck that bitch
read the newspaper - na man that shits for slackers
have any gay or lesbian friends - i know some homos
believe in miracles - no
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever - to who?
consider yourself tolerant of others - on occasions
consider love a mistake - kids are mistakes not love
like the taste of alcohol - hell ya bitch
have a favorite candy - i like it all
believe in astrology - i think it's funny
believe in God - Satan?
have any pets - joe's cats are mine!
got to or plan to go to college - ya i'm done... don't waste your time
have any piercings - maybe
have any tattoos - i don't believe in changing your body from the wonderful peice of work god has given you
hate yourself - only when i deserve it
have an obsession - yeah
have a best friend - just my crew
care about looks - not my own
love life - when it's in the mood for lovin
first crush - beer can, i was 12
first kiss - Robin Kane (those who know her understand i was doing ALOT of drugs at the time)
ever been in love - FLUOCVKE
do you believe in love at first sight - love for the first night
describe your ideal significant other - some one who leave a tip on the night stand
hair - brown-ish?
eyes - greenish-ish?
height - 5'10
bought - sushi
ate + drank - turkey taco
read - dave's long ass survay.. thanks alot you dumb ass :)
talked to - lindsay (she told me the turkey tacos were ready)
IMed - jenn
hugged - fuck if i know
kissed - see above
had a serious conversation with - Satan
yelled at - your mom?
i'm happy thats over, aren't you?