Woo! I'm doing my contribution on time. Go me. Anyway, I hope that this summary is good enough for you all. If it's incomplete/incoherent I apologize.. I have a lot on my mind and a lot going on right now. But I hope you enjoy.
We start in Havana where we see Sydney looking gorgeous in her yellow dress dancing on her operation... is that the salsa? That would be my guess. She approaches a man and brings him onto the dance floor. He tells her she dances like an angel. He's going to betray the people he's working for and she will help him escape. The men are planning an attack. Dixon goes to a locker in LA that the man tells them about and retrieves a package. Sydney discreetly pays the man in diamonds and then he spins off to dance with another woman.
Meanwhile.. Marshall is running late and can't find his shoe. Mitchell is crying and Carrie things he's sick. Sloane calls Marshall wondering where he is and tells him to get to work. Carrie doesn't want Marshall to go to work, but he goes anyway but looks very upset.
Sydney is telling Vaughn on the phone about dancing and maintaining cover. They talk about how Vaughn supposedly hates dancing. Sydney then gets in the car with her driver, but another car is following them.
Dixon brings the package into APO. They connect the hard drive...
Sydney realizes she's being followed and then sees the site on the driver's head. The driver is shot and Sydney's car crashes. Two men with guns pull her from the car and put her into their car.
The hard drive explodes in APO creating a biohazard that locks down APO. Dixon tries to help the man who was working on the hard drive and becomes infected himself. Everyone else is recieving innoculations and Weiss, Vaughn, and Nadia help Dixon.
Sydney and her contact have their hands tied and are in front of the contact's employers. The man is shot for betraying them. The leader seems taken aback that he would betray them for jewelry (Schuck in German).
APO is quarantined. Marshall arrives late so he can't perform a needed diagnostic because he cannot get into APO. Vaughn calls Sydney and we see her somewhere dark.. it's a coffin and her contact is dead next to her. She's been buried alive. She needs them to come get her, but they are in lockdown for 36 hours because of the biohazard. Marshall offers to go to Cuba to rescue Syd. He babbles about tracking her via her cell phone. Marshall goes quickly to the airport in his adorable Mini Cooper.
Sydney is freaking out(and who can blame her?) and tries to untie her hands with her teeth. She's using the cell phone as a light and should totally leave her phone closed to preserve battery life.
Sloane is determined to take down Third Faction because of what they've done.
Marshall arrives in Havana and tries to rig op tech in-country and believes that the people aren't speaking real Spanish because it's too fast. He asks for many things. An old woman likes watching him(LOL!). She's kind of creepy.
Sydney uses her phone as a light again and digs through her contact's pockets. I think I'm retarded and can't figure out why she did that. Sydney calls Vaughn and talks about how they can ID her contact so they can get visuals of other members of Third Faction to see where they've been. She is getting delirious from lack of oxygen and repeats herself.
Jack calls Marshall to see his status. He has her signal locked in. Marshall to the rescue! Meanwhile, everyone is freaking out at APO.
Syd's phone is dying(of course it is since she kept opening it to use as a light!) as Marshall arrives at the cemetary. Marshall just has to figure out which grave she's in as he stares out at a huge graveyard. He follows the signal but loses it when her phone dies. So Marshall runs around and counts seven fresh graves. He gets an idea to task a satelite over the cemetary and change the view to thermal to find Sydney. He rambles as he tells Vaughn how to do it. He goes to the wrong north(haha).
Marshall saves the day by digging up Sydney's grave. Jack watches on the satelite view with Nadia(it's kind of sweet). Sydney has passed out from lack of oxygen so Marshall pulls her out of the grave and revives her. Go Marshall! I love him and he's awesome in this episode! Sydney is kind of like "WTF Marshall rescued me?!?"
Sydney and Marshall are sent to Berlin to upload the baddie's hard drive. Syd can't go in because the guy knows her, so she sends in Marshall, giving him lots of advice on being spy!Marshall (including using the op tech he built himself). Carrie calls and he sings to Mitchell about Lanthanides. It's adorable. Sydney laughs. Marshall feels bad about lying to Carrie about his life.
With help from Sydney, Marshall gets into the office calling himself Jack Bristow. Marshall leads Ullrich on while Sydney uploads the hard drive. They need to get Ullrich in the basement to shut down a firewall. Marshall accidentally shoots him and kills him, while pulling out the gun. Sydney is on her way.
Jack tells Marshall he has to cut out Ullrich's eyes because the firewall is linked to a retinal scan. Marshall is understandably wigging out. Meanwhile, Syd kicks some ass to get back to the office. Marshall tries to cut out the eye with a letter opener but ruptures the eye. Jack doesn't know what a spork is. It's cute. On the second eye, Marshall succeeds(which is good so that they can be drop the firewall!)
Sydney and Marshall head to the basement and use the eye to get on the computer and shut down the firewall. APO discovers the bomb is in Hong Kong and everyone is good. They tell Hong Kong autorities and they are happy.
Dixon is all better. Yayness!
Sloane rambles about Third Faction.
Sweet moment near the end between Sydney and Marshall in the car, and even cuter moment when Sydney meets Vaughn in the train station and they dance(no words are spoken).
Totally one of my favorite season four episodes!
Oh, and a random note: Marshall's address is 422 which is totally my birthday. *laughs*
Other summaries can be found at: