[See Seasons 1 - 3
Season Four
Mission # 1: To provide backup as Sydney steals the Shintaro Sword.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Sydney, Vaughn, Dixon, and Marshall.
Location: Hazunaga Asian Museum in London.
Equipment: Stolen police car.
Details: Just before Sydney encounters a police force, Jack drives by riding a stolen police car, preventing Sydney from being spotted.
Note: Jack's new callsign is Raptor.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 2: To learn about the connection between Tomazaki and Roman Vadik.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Marshall.
Location: Jail.
Details: In exchange for protection, Tomazaki's jailed associate reveals that Tomazaki is Vadik.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 3: To meet Tomazaki.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Sydney. Vaughn, Dixon, and Marshall assist remotely.
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Weapons: Gun.
Outcome: Failed -- Sydney is abducted.
Mission # 4: To aid in Sydney's rescue.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Nadia, Vaughn, Dixon, and Marshall.
Location: Tomazaki's facility.
Details: Jack provides remotes assistance as Nadia enters the building and comes to Sydney's aid. As Tomazaki is about to die, Sydney finds out that Irina had put a hit on her life, and that Jack killed Irina to save Sydney.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 1: To cover up the identity of Irina Derevko's assassin.
Agency: Rogue.
Location: APO.
Details: Jack reviews Nadia's psych profile. Knowing Nadia would want to take revenge on her mother's killer, Jack alters documents and leads Nadia to believe Martin Bishop killed Irina.
Outcome: Successful -- although Nadia does eventually find out.
Mission # 2: To accompany Nadia in the rescue of Sydney and Weiss.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Vaughn, Dixon, Nadia.
Location: CIA Headquarters and Malaga, Spain.
Details: Jack rides with Nadia on a plane as they catch up with the team in Malaga to rescue Sydney and Weiss.
Mission # 1: To meet Alexi Vaselyvich and obtain help in extracting Sydney and Vaughn.
Agency: APO.
Location: Los Angeles, California.
Details: Jack meets Irina's old KGB superior, Alexi, and asks whether the Russians are still running active operations out of Liberty Village, where Sydney and Vaughn are on an undercover mission. In return for his help in extracting Sydney and Vaughn, Alexi asks for Irina's old books of Russian Literature.
Mission # 2: To find out why Alexi wants the books.
Agency: APO.
Location: APO.
Assisted by: Marshall.
Details: Before handing them over to Alexi, Jack brings Irina's old books to Marshall for analysis. Jack discovers Irina had been communicating with "Sentinel," an operative believed to be deceased, in the books, and Jack and Sloane take Alexi's delivery on his promise to mean that the Russians are searching for Elena Derevko.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 1: To obtain information regarding the Cahills.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Sydney.
Location: Nancy and Jason Cahill's apartment in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Weapons: Gun.
Equipment: Laptop Computer. USB Drive.
Details: Nancy Cahill, an operative at Langley's Narcotics Task Force, kills herself and her husband Jason goes missing, so Sloane sends Sydney and Jack to the Cahills' apartment to recover all files, classified computer intellegance and any indication of their CIA affiliation. While Jack and Sydney are searching the place for information, Jason Cahill suddenly attacks and bites Sydney, and Jack shoots him.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 2: To provide backup as Sydney meets with the Count in place of Jason Cahill and watch for signs of infection.
Agency: APO.
Alias: Man in Club.
Accompanied by: Sydney and Vaughn.
Location: Bucharest, Romania.
Weapons: Gun.
Details: Marshall discovers through Jason Cahill's harddrive that he was supposed to meet with "The Count." Sloane sends Sydney to take Cahill's place in the meeting. Once the team abducts the Count, they learn that he is actually Andres Cirescu, a Romanian national with records of dealing with black market electronics and stolen pharmaceuticals. Cirescu reveals he provided Cahill with Nocturne, a particularly old sample that was actually meant to be destroyed.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 3: To provide backup as Vaughn obtains an antidote.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Sydney and Vaughn.
Location: Grappig Laboratories in Prague.
Weapons: Gun.
Equipment: Laptop. Packaging tape.
Details: Jack watches Sydney while Vaughn enters the laboratory to obtain an antidote. Sydney requests Jack to tie her up when she starts having hallucinations. However, the hallucinations continue and Sydney knocks Jack unconscious and breaks free. Moments later, Jack is shown lying on the floor and Sydney cries thinking she killed Jack. As Sydney prepares to strike Vaughn, Jack wakes up and renders her unconscious, revealing that he'd taken the bullets out. Jack and Vaughn then inject Sydney with the antidote.
Outcome: Successful.
4x07 "DETENTE"
Mission: To convince Sloane to allow Sydney and Nadia to recover the drug Black Thorine.
Agency: APO.
Location: APO Headquarters.
Details: When Sloane refuses to give in to allowing Sydney and Nadia to board Tambor's yacht and recover the Black Thorine, Jack convinces him to do so, telling him that preventing Nadia from working with Sydney would prevent him from forging a bond with her.
Outcome: Successful.
Note: I love the Marshall moment in this episode..."Will You Marry Me, Mr. Bristow?" :)
4x08 "ECHOES"
Mission: To take over as director of APO.
Agency: APO.
Location: APO Headquarters.
Details: When Sloane steps down as director upon knowing APO has to deal with Sark and Anna Espinosa, Jack assumes the post temporarily. He mobilizes the taskforce for the rescue operation when Nadia is abducted by Anna, and agrees to Sydney's request to give Anna the actual Dante compound when she expresses her fears for Nadia's life. He authorizes Sydney to take Nadia to observe a CRF meet in Estonia.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission: To identify the CRF's plans for the bomb.
Agency: APO.
Location: Medical facility in APO.
Equipment: Niloxin, a drug used to wean patients out of medically-induced comas.
Details: Knowing only Nadia can help them locate the bomb in time, Jack wakes her out of a medically-induced coma against medical advice. Jack discovers that Anna is selling the bomb to a man named Michel Guinot, gateway of all arms sales in and out of Central Russia.
Outcome: Successful, though Sloane becomes angry when he discovers what Jack did and warns him of the pact they'd made when he accepted the job at APO.
4x10 "THE INDEX"
Mission: To identify the players in an alliance regrouping and obtain the Blackwell Index.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Sydney, Dixon, and Nadia.
Location: Brussels.
Equipment: Blackwell index (fake).
Details: To identify who are involved in an alliance regrouping, Jack assumes his old postition of SD-6 chief of operations and hand over the decoder for the Blackwell Index to Devereaux and two other men, who in turn bring the Blackwell Index to the meet. Prior to the meeting, however, Sydney and Dixon replaced the decoder with a fake one, leading Devereaux to believe that Jack has double-crossed him. Realizing Jack is in trouble, Nadia hurries to the meeting and kills the men holding Jack. At the end of the episode, Sloane is seen reading the Blackwell Index, and it is revealed that he and Jack had planned on attaining it all along.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 1: To find out the protocol for contacting Sasha Korchev.
Agency: APO.
Location: Madagascar.
Equipment: Laptop and disc.
Details: When Sloane assigns Dixon to locate (and assassinate) the rebel Sasha Korchev, Jack volunteers for the assignment knowing he'd be able to get closer than Dixon would. Jack meets with a man named Jimmy and coerces him to give up the protocol for contacting Korechev by making him watch what seems to be a gruesome video.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 2: To locate and assassinate Sasha Korchev.
Agency: APO.
Location: Angola.
Language: Angolan/Bantu.
Equipment: Wire.
Details: Jack follows the protocol and is brought before Korchev, who welcomes Jack openly. Their conversation reveals that Korchev considered Jack his mentor and that he had used what Jack had taught him in his business of arming the rebels. Jack tells him "You betrayed me." before strangling him with a wire.
Outcome: Successful.
4x13 "TUESDAY"
Mission: To provide remote assistance as Sydney and Marshall attempt to discover the location of a bomb.
Agency: APO.
Location: APO Headquarters.
Equipment: Communications Equipment.
Details: While the rest of APO is trapped at headquarters, Sydney and Marshall attempt to discover the location of a bomb possessed by an organization known as the Third Faction from a man named Ulrich. Jack guides Marshall using comms as he accesses Third Faction member Ulrich's harddrive by extracting Ulrich's eyes and using them on a retinal scanner.
Outcome: Successful.
Notes: The spork digging out the soft-boiled egg! Classic! :)
Mission # 1: To convince Sydney to present her intel on Nightingale to APO.
Agency: APO.
Location: Micelli's.
Details: Jack invites Sydney to dinner at Micelli's, where she tells him that Project: Nightingale is being run by Vlachko in Siberia and that it concerns altering human DNA. Jack convinces Sydney to bring the matter up at APO, and presents an ops plan that requires him to join Sydney so he can interrogate Vlachko about the whereabouts of Elena Derevko.
Outcome: Successful.
Note: Ah...I LOVED it when Jack shoots upward nonachalantly causing a hostile to fall and land with a thud :)
Mission # 2: To provide backup as Sydney and Vaughn obtain the transformer coil and interrogate Vlachko on the location of Elena Derevko while on the mission.
Agency: APO/Rogue.
Accompanied by: Sydney and Vaughn.
Location: Nuclear plant in Yakutsk, Siberia.
Equipment: Screwdriver.
Weapons: Tranquilizer gun; Pistol.
Details: Once in the nuclear plant in Siberia, Jack shuts down the security system then tortures Vlachko so he would give up Elena Derevko's location. When he realizes Sydney is trapped and can only be saved by shutting off the reactor, Jack gives up on the interrogation and kills Vlachko. He then hurries to the nuclear reactor's core and removes the fuel rods, exposing himself to a dangerous amount of radiation in the process.
Outcome: Partially successful; he is able to shut down security but is not able to find out Elena's location.
Mission: To find out Sloane's motives.
Agency: Rogue.
Location: Restroom at APO.
Weapons: Gun.
Details: After Sydney and Vaughn present evidence suggesting that Sloane is responsible for setting up Irina for the attempt on Sydney's life and for making Vaughn believe his father was alive, Jack corners Sloane in a restroom and demands that he reveal his true motives while pointing a gun. Sloane convinces Jack that he has been framed.
Outcome: Jack and Sloane realize that Sloane is being set up.
Mission: To provide Sydney and Nadia information on Elena Derevko.
Agency: APO/Rogue.
Accompanied by: Sloane.
Location: APO Headquarters.
Equipment: Research Materials on Elena Devevko.
Details: Jack and Sloane reveal to Sydney and Nadia that Elena Derevko has apparently been surveilling both of them for at least a decade and shows them pictures that Elena has collected.
Outcome: Successful.
4x18 "MIRAGE"
Mission: To acquire a lethal alkylating agent in hopes of curing his radiation sickness.
Agency: Rogue.
Location: A lab and an abandoned warehouse building in Pierpont.
Equipment: Alkylating agent and syringe.
Details: Jack meets with a contact, Anthony, who provides him with the alkylating agent that "Dr. Liddel" needs to cure him. He heads for the doctor's office to have him administer the drug, but Sydney and Vaughn stop him from injecting the lethal chemical into his bloodstream just in time. It is then revealed that Jack has been hallucinating due to radiation poisoning and that the "Dr. Liddel" he's been visiting is a mirage.
Outcome: Successful.
4x19 "IN DREAMS"
Mission: To guide Sloane as he retrieves a repressed memory concerning his unborn daughter that may ultimately break the clone.
Agency: APO.
Location: APO.
Equipment: Hypnosis equipment.
Details: When Marshall reveals that making Arvin Clone relive a tragic memory would be the only way to break him and ultimately make him reveal the location of the orchid, Jack guides Sloane through the memory of losing his child, Jacquelyn. When the memory is inserted into the clone, he reveals that he is Ned Bolger and reveals that the orchid is at a warehouse in Ugano, Switzerland.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission: To obtain details on Elena Derevko's endgame from Katya.
Agency: APO.
Location: Jail.
Details: Jack visits Katya in prison to ask for details regarding Elena's endgame. Katya negotiates for her pardon and release, and reveals that only Irina could have stopped Elena from enacting her endgame.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 1: (Flashback) To meet and interrogate Irina.
Agency: Rogue.
Alias: Guest.
Location: British Embassy in Vienna, Austria.
Weapons: Gun with a silencer.
Details: During a party, Jack meets Irina at the pool room. After dancing with her, Jack insists that she explain why she'd put out a hit on Sydney's life. Irina insists that it had to be done, and Jack shoots her.
Outcome: Successful.
Note: Later it is discovered that "Irina" was merely a double, a Rambaldi follower who'd undergone the Helix doubling process.
Mission # 2: To assist in Irina's rescue.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Sydney and Nadia.
Location: Tikal, Guatemala.
Equipment: Surveillance equipment. Laptop. Jeep.
Weapons: Gun.
Details: Using a map and a thermal sensor, Jack guides Sydney and Nadia to get to Irina, who is being held in an underground prison by Elena, so they can extract her while remaining undetected.
Outcome: Successful.
Note: Irina punches Jack when they are reunited.
Mission # 3: To approch and enter the Russian city of Sovogda.
Agency: APO.
Accompanied by: Irina, Sydney, Nadia, and Vaughn.
Location: In a plane en route to Sovogda, Russia.
Equipment: Parachute.
Details: Along with Sydney, Nadia, Vaughn, and Irina, Jack parachutes into Sovogda to shut down the Mueller Device and prevent the enactment of Elena's endgame.
Notes: Prior to going on the mission, Jack has Irina sign a document stating that she will be taken into custody once the device is shut down. On the plane Jack, having given his blessing, watches as Vaughn proposes to Sydney.
Mission: To prevent Elena Derevko from enacting her endgame.
Agency: APO.
Language: Russian.
Accompanied by: Irina, Sydney, Nadia, and Vaughn.
Location: Sovogda, Russia.
Weapons: Machine Guns to replace their Tranquilizer Guns.
Equipment: Syringe and needle with infected tap water. Communication Equipment.
Details: The team lands in Sovogda and searches for Elena. Once they come to a non-operational train, the team works with brakelines to make the subway move, though Nadia is left to deal with a large group of infected Sovogdans and is brought before Elena, who injects her with infected water. When they reach their destination, they meet up with Sloane, whom Jack punches when he attempts to take charge. Once Sloane, Jack, Irina, and Vaughn get to Elena, Sloane ties her up. Jack threatens to torture Elena and inject her with infected water while he and Irina interrogate her on how to prevent the signal from being broadcasted.
Note: Once the mission is over, as they wait for the extraction team to arrive, Jack lets Irina escape.
Season Five
Mission: To gather data on Vaughn.
Agency: APO.
Equipment: Documents that concern Vaughn.
Details: After the accident, Vaughn's allegiance is questioned, which drives Jack to research on him and look into the possibility that Vaughn may be a double agent. He learns that Vaughn took three off-book trips to the Marseilles over the past year, and that his movements tracked with Renne Riene, a well-known assassin, and visits Sloane to tell him about this. At Sloane's advice, Jack tells Sydney, but softens when Sydney reveals that she and Vaughn are having a baby.
Outcome: Successful.
Note: With Sloane still in jail, Jack continues to take leadership/directorship of APO.
5x02 "...1..."
Mission: To recruit a new agent for APO.
Agency: APO.
Location: A cafe at Washington, D.C. A Bar.
Details: Jack heads for Washington, D.C., where a man named Ahern brings him data on a new agent named Thomas Grace. Jack heads for a bar, where he meets Tom, who has just been in a fight.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission: To meet with Sloane and act on his request to be reinstated to APO.
Agency: APO.
Location: A restaurant.
Details: Sloane asks to meet with Jack to ask to be reinstated to APO. Jack tells him he's already put in a request, but it seems as though someone's blocking Sloane's limited reinstatement.
Outcome: Successful, although it is Sloane that blackmails the Senator involved into approving the request.
Mission: To help Sydney build a crib :)
Location: Sydney's apartment.
Outcome: Jack realizes they have to start over when he and Sydney are unable to bring the crib out of the door into the nursery.
5x08 "BOB"
Mission # 1: To acquire intelligence regarding a micropulse bomb.
Accompanied by: Sydney.
Location: A mansion in Yorkshire.
Details: Jack heads for Yorkshire to meet with MI-6 agent Elizabeth Powell and ask her about attempts to acquire a micropulse bomb by someone associated with French intelligence, perhaps a mole, knowing this may in turn lead to information regarding Prophet Five. Elizabeth identifies Lukas Basarov, a professor at the University of St. Petersburg, as the engineer of the bomb, and passes the intel on to Jack.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 2: To survey Basarov's meet with the MI-6 Mole.
Accompanied by: MI-6 Agent Elizabeth Powell.
Location: An old building in Malaga, Spain.
Equipment: Surveillance equipment. Tracker.
Details: Jack and Elizabeth go to Malaga to survey Basarov's meet and identify the MI-6 mole. The meet, however, is ambushed by the terrorist group RLF led by Benjamin Masari. Basarov and his companion are killed, and Jack and Elizabeth are abducted.
Outcome: Jack and Elizabeth are able to record the meet and realize there is no MI-6 mole, but they are abducted. They are later rescued by Tom, Dixon, and Rachel.
Mission # 1: To accompany Sydney to the doctor.
Location: Doctor's Office.
Details: Jack makes good on his word and accompanies Sydney to the doctor. Jack protectively asks doctor if there's anything her "boss" needs to do for her such as lighten her workload. Later, he gives Sydney a baby rattle that used to belong to her.
Outcome: Successful :)
Mission # 2: To coordinate APO's search for Sydney.
Location: APO.
Details: Sydney meets with Renee Rienne in Madrid to find out what Prophet Five wants with Vaughn's files, but is abducted during their meeting. Jack assigns the members APO to different tasks that may help find Sydney then heads to meet with Renee Rienne.
Mission # 3: To interrogate Desantis for leads on Sydney's wherabouts.
Accompanied by: Renee Rienne.
Location: An out-of-the-way room.
Weapons: Knife. Also borrows Renee's Gun to threaten Desantis.
Details: Knowing Renee Rienne has Desantis in custody, Jack meets with her and interrogates and tortures Dr. Aldo Desantis in hopes of obtaining Sydney's location. Jack cuts off Desantis' ear, but Desantis still refuses to cooperate. Renee finds a recurring Hungarian address and various dates including Sydney's due date in a notebook retrieved from Desantis. Jack has Renee kill Desantis, then arranges for transport to Hungary.
Outcome: Successful.
Mission # 4: To follow-up on a lead from Desantis in hopes of finding Sydney
Accompanied by: Renee Rienne.
Location: Hungary.
Weapons: Gun.
Details: Jack and Renee head for the address found in Desantis' notebook. They find and enter a seemingly abandoned building, and find a nursery set up there.
Outcome: Failed, Sydney is actually onboard a ship in the middle of the sea.
Thanks to the following for serving as my guides:
http://www.twiztv.comhttp://allalias.com/guide/index.php/Jack%27s_Detailed_Mission_Informationhttp://abc.go.com/primetime/alias/jack/profiles/cia_bristowj.html And thanks to the following for the caps: