day two! singapore.

Apr 17, 2009 20:38

We got locked out of the room after breakfast.

We waited for a bit.

The lobby.

My face. D:

Brother, Mother, Father.

some flowers.

Raffles hotel!

Family picture! Minus me. :(


pretty things.

a bit of cultural significance.

doorman in turban.



She's pretty expressive.

some plants being all fan-like.

next stop. tour guide said it was where the night life was.
i didn't get to check because my night life is non-existent,
whether or not i am in a foreign country.


I think this is Raffles? I tried to make it so his head was all plume-y. Failed, for sure.



Singapore has lots of lovely buildings.


Ugh, it was so sunny. I'm not a big fan of shades, hence the hideous expression.
I should probably start wearing them on a regular basis.

a group on a trip.

s'more tourists.

boat in action.

I guess these are colonists?

such a pretty fluted umbrella!

on the way to merlion park.

so sunnyyy.

check out my brother's face on the right side.

palisades, i think? looks like a hedgehog :3

some more sunny-ness.

Again, family picture lacking me :(

tallest carousel in the world! or so they keep on telling us.

the merlion. apparently, it's not a real myth :(
the symbol of singapore was the lion, but then they had an awesome fishing industry,
so they made a hybrid character! it's a longer story, but that's the gist.

my sister is so cute :3

tried that ol' shoot-from-the-hip technique.


lol matching shorts.

super sunny sunny sunny.

check out the umbrella!

stupid face + me & my dad.

singapore is a lovely city.

cathay pacific sticker on some stairs.

improper segue: there's a library in the hotel we stayed in. they put the books people leave there.
you're also allowed to leave books. and you're also allowed to take them. :)

lots of novels in foreign languages! i took that john grisham one.
not cos i like him... i took it cos it was in french :)

mama's hands + a ring she really likes.

we went to a temple. it hasn't been renovated at all.
i guess they just took care of it really well.

you can put offerings and stuff. it's weird, this "scene" had an ashtray.

this little girl kept twirling her dress :)

loads of pretty detail, yes? :)

napped for a little while when we got to the hotel.
then we went out! for lunch. hainanese chicken <3

obligatory elevator picture.

picture does not do it justice. perhaps the best meal i had in singapore.

thai coconut! it was good but i prefer the ones that grow here.

some chickens have met their doom, i see.

my dad searched online to find this haha.


sky reflection + a man's bag.
i saw them being sold later that night, in the streets.
wish i bought one :(

some houses.


That was heftier, but funner, like I promised. Funner is a word now, I realize because my LJ's spell check recognizes it.

...Aaaand I'm gone.

BUT NOT BEFORE I SAY THAT THE WORLD IS SO HOT HERE. 31°!!! THAT IS IN CELSIUS, PEOPLE. Yahoo says it "feels like" 107° F which translates to 41° C. I don't mean to whine. Since I have a house and all and it's not like. Prison or the streets or the slums or whatever, but dear goodness, it's freaking hot. I guess that's summer for you.
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