I am beginning to think that I just might be the most repressed person in existence.
The tiniest of things cause my heart to shoot out of its tiny, tiny orbit and I have to keep on whispering to it: it's nothing. It's nothing.A boy's fingers, for the briefest of moments, in between my strands of hair but not in that way.
One, all-encompassing line from a song that doesn't mean anything, but for that monumental line.
The passing of our eyes, in that singular, tangential instance, which, at that moment, could not have meant anything but everything in the whole universe, and then, nothing that might have existed.
Words written on the wall; the way these words are placed beside each other, the way they seem to contain the very threads of why we are and why we are not.
The pressing of lips on palms, and then on wrists and then -
A linger that is a heartbeat too long; a gaze that lasts past beyond one, then two blinks.
Waiting for something brilliant; knowing that it's going to get to where you are.
Finding where you fit in this beautiful, beautiful mess;
Then, finding who will keep you.
I will write about the possibility of us everywhere.
(mehmet erdogan)
long haul; voxtrot
(i want to catch a love & make it stay.)
steadier footing; death cab for cutie
(you gave me a heart attack.)
absinthe party at the fly honey warehouse; minus the bear
(we'd look good, side-by-side; this light looks good on you.)
My classmate's dad died today. I don't know what to say to that, except that I probably wouldn't be able to handle something like that. My dad raised my kind of goofy, but I don't care, really. I'd still miss him a lot.