I hope you understand that I am the kind of person who shoots and shoots and shoots pictures with very little attention to composition or angles or symmetry. That being said, I hope that, in effect, you also understand why there are 190+ pictures under the cut, signifying the first part of my family's trip to Beijing the past week. Yes, over 190. Which, all things considered, is a feat, actually. I cut it down to that number from 639. Applaud me, yes?
The contents of this post will be pictures taken in the airports, the airplane and The Forbidden City. The post that will follow will contain Ming's Tombs, The Great Wall of China (!) and the Beijing Zoo. Plus other things that won't be here.
I hope that that was a fair warning, but I also hope that that doesn't dissuade you from looking at the pictures. I am very touchy person when it comes to photographs. Not in the sense that I feel angry or elitist or whatever about them. I just like showing people pictures because I feel like they say things more than I can. And it pained me to cut the set down to 193, but I do care about your bandwidth, a bit.
And well, yes, I am back from China. :D
Narration goes with the pictures. I'm sorry if you can't see them, or won't look at them, and therefore, won't get to hear about the trip. But well, in a short summary, the trip was great. And Chinese babies are cute. :3
People I was with during said trip: my parents,
my older brother (kuya) Luis and my younger sister, Isabel.
My course blockmate has a crush on this dude that goes to my school.
And he was on the same flight as me. So I took a picture.
He's the one with his back turned to me. So much for proof.
Manila sunrise! ES teacher explained that the more vivid the sunset/sunrise was,
the more polluted the atmosphere is. I do not know if I should be sad or happy.
It got a little boring. My sister watched VM on my laptop.
My kuya sleeps like that. With slits in his eyes still open.
We pointed it out to him, but he remains a non-believer.
We bought strawberry shakes before boarding.
They tasted icky.
Pretty highway. And this is also proof that my vision is mostly skewed.
Elevator mirror picture.
People liked their bikes.
In McDonald's.
Tying my shoe! I told my sister to wait for me.
She didn't seem to happy about having to. :p
Don't know what this was about either.
People like to randomly squat, sit or spit on the street.
EEE. ♥
I don't know. He's really gross sometimes, wth.
He was carrying her purse.
I feel like a stalker sometimes, idek.
We got lost. On the way to The Forbidden City.
They decided to look at the map. I took a picture.
My dad has horrible timing.
I am using my dad's camera so we alternate.
Sometimes I take the video, sometimes I take the pictures.
My Chinese friends: what are these?
I saw them a lot but I never had the nerve to taste a stick.
Can't remember why she was laughing. D:
Head dress!
I think this might've been made of jade.
Old scroll-y thing.
It was definitely tiring. The place was huge.
No amount of pictures can justify the enormity of the place.
We were posing for a picture, and my dad told my brother to stop walking.
But he kept on going so my dad kept on shooting.
I have a weird jaw. And no, I have no underbite.
Used to. But the braces were supposed to have fixed it.
She wanted a jumping shot.
This is called the Hall of Consolation.
The mommy keeps posing with her kid. XD
Cypress trees are prettyyyyyy.
My brother has a WALRUS FACE.
That my sister tried to imitate!
Sometimes, I love my brother. Other times, I want to kick him in the face. (!)
Tian'anmen Square.
Because I.R. LAMETARD.
In all honesty, I'm a bit too tired to delve into certain things, but I did miss home. Even though it is so freaking hot over here. 35 DEGREES, are you kidding me.
PWNAGE. Ilu guys, wth.