Well... yea I do have an eating disorder, but I'm recovering and I have never in any way been pro eating disorder. I know I won't be able to convince you of this, but those communities are very different than they sound- there are a lot of really sick scary pro-ED communities out there, but these aren't them and that's not me! And I'm glad you said that so honestly to me :) So... probation period as a friend? :P
Growing up dancing I understand how people get sucked into these things. Don't understand why, but how. As long as you're not "girl, you're huge!" etc., that's cool. I cop a lot of that shit at skating, don't need it on lj too hahaha
Wow you still do it? Competitively? Cool! You must get a lot of that reaction but really it sounds so amazing! Well I can't say I'm ever going to be okay with my body and generally have a lot of self hate, but I will put my issues under a cut because yea no one needs to hear that shit!
I danced competitively for 16 years, and have just passes the 1 year mark for skating (I'm pretty new to it). You seem pretty bubbly, so I'll add you back :)
I really admire the fact that you started skating! what type of dance was it? or did you do a mixture? Umm I am depressed a lot of the time, so bubbly is something I wish i was but not so much :(
I mainly did calisthenics, but also studied ballet, modern, theatrical, jazz, tap, and very very small amounts of hiphop. I would have loved to have studied ballet into my teens but I am the exact opposite of a dancer's shape :( Taking all those styles is helping me grasp skating a lot easier.
And I'm glad you said that so honestly to me :) So... probation period as a friend? :P
Well I can't say I'm ever going to be okay with my body and generally have a lot of self hate, but I will put my issues under a cut because yea no one needs to hear that shit!
Umm I am depressed a lot of the time, so bubbly is something I wish i was but not so much :(
Taking all those styles is helping me grasp skating a lot easier.
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