May 07, 2004 16:39
Put music on shuffle.
Look at the first 20 songs.
Pick a lyric from that song.
Make people guess.
1. "She said tell me are you a Christian child and I said, Ma'am I am tonight."
2."Learnin from each other knowing, looking to see how much we've grown"
3. "The line moves slowly through a fading light, the final moments in the dead of night."
4. "Help me get away from myself."
5."I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding I am...."
6."Color of her eyes were the color of insanity"
7."Beauty like that knows no home."
8."Pray I float the way I think I want, and pray I float at all."
9."Remember when I moved in you, and the holy dove was moving too, and every breath we drew was..."
10."Lie in my arms and I'll tell you the things that you know but forget."
11."Dreams just don't come true"
12."and kiss the stars of centerfolds on the tongue....and die young."
13."I Could have danced on the sun, but my world came undone"
14. "The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had"
15. "The moon and the stars were the gifts you gave"
16. "I keep on licking till your flavor is gone."
17. "and the future of the world inside of me"
18. "I have discovered that this fight is not worth fighting."
19. "They knew we were lying, but they smiled just the same."
20. "Take a deep breath and a good look around."