(no subject)

Oct 27, 2024 18:46

By refusing to open up to me, by constantly telling me you didn't want to be with me, that we weren't a good match, that you wanted it to be someone else, that you didn't want a relationship with me, that you hoped you would get over me and forget about me. You'd proclaim you were over me, you weren't attracted to me anymore and push me away. You were never there for me and you were never there for me to get to know. You didn't take a risk to really love me, not even once and your rejections caused such deep pain and wounds in me. You threw us away. You threw away our golden plate. You shit on us. You didn't let me see you for who you were. You didn't let me inside your pains. You didn't try to help me and help me through my struggles and you wouldn't let me see yours. I was pushed away so hard that it burns through a wave of eternal pain and separation. You did this, not me. What good would it even do for you to tell me you regret it now. The choices from your past have eternally damaged US, any possibility of us. The golden plate is buried.
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