Feb 09, 2004 21:51
so we lost to bolton. again. three fucking points. THREE. last time we lost by ONE. damn it all.
so i'm ill. i guess it's my fault 'cause i haven't taken care of myself, but i'm on vitamins now, so if i stay sick, i dunno what i'm going to do. lol. maybe just wait it out 'till next week - thank God for vacation.
i sang like shit at the game today. i could find any fucking notes and i forgot a line. OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. how fucking screwed up am i? oh well. i guess i covered well enough.
tomorrow's senior night. i guess, no, i know coach is including me in that, even though technically i'm not a senior. oh well. should be interesting.
fucking hate ms. dragons class. she gives me low grades, and when i point it out to her that a classmate had the EXACT SAME INFORMATION - word for word - she gets a perfect score whilest i get an. . . 80? i believe?
god it's so stupid.
i just want a vacation. today was a bad day. yesterday was a bad day. tomorrow's gonna be a bad day if i can't get everything done tonight. i'm trying to make my days better, but so far i'm not in luck. oh well. i'll get it right one of these days.
ok, that's enough.