Jan 13, 2006 17:17
hey peoples...i havent been home for like 3 days so heres what i have been doing...
wed i sat around allies all day and drank the donuts she got me then after i got dressed and all that we decided to cut our hair...allie made hers all crazy and she did a lil crazy thing to mine lol it looks cool tho...well it does straight anyway...after taking pics for myspace, we went to melissa's and had some arbor mist and margaritas..lol after jocelyn and allie left, we just decided that we were tired and passed the ass out...me dana and joe on one couch WHOO!!!
the next day i woke up at like 11 to the sound of melissa screaming about contacts, her eye, bagels, and AT scott...we all got ready and me, allie, dana, melissa, and scott went to the monmouth mall to do some shopping and to get slut shirts for the club..after sitting around and eating some good ass food that momma g made us we pre-gamed and went to the stone pony...it was a good time...me and dana were mad that we werent pulled on stage for the booty shaking contest...but i think im over it...but then we soon lost our buzz and lost our interest...scott drove us to mcdonalds rocking out to bruce the WHOLE way...that was fun...then i went home and passed the ass out!
today is a day of rest...i have to do some things and then prolly hangout with allie and hopefully my patty!
the experiment that i am doing is still going on...nothing substantial yet...i hope something happens soon...but i COULD hold out forever if i had to...
..i wanna go back to new york now...im all ready to!!!
ok i gotta go shower or barb will shoot me!!!
ps--i hope the subject of my experiment will obtain a heart and thing of something else other than themselves for once!!! oh well!