I've lost track...let's call it Day 29

Feb 10, 2009 20:06

So sorry for not providing my wide readership (um, I think it's up to 2 now) with the stimulating details of my eating life. Back in the day I didn't have to share said details with the general public, as I had a boyfriend who strangely liked to tell what he ate all day, so I just returned the favour. Even after we broke up for a long time after he'd call and tell me his food intake. Odd.

Anyway, I have triumphantly (or perhaps not) returned to Weight Watcher meetings. I decided that this blog did not need all those fancy food details, nor was I reaching my weight loss potential on my own. So after one week back at meetings, I am down 3.4 lbs. This now puts me at a 3 year low. Onward and downward I go. Am feeling like perhaps the total 12ish lbs are now starting to show a little in my face and in the sagging butt that were my nicely fitting pants!

Went to the gym today, despite a definite dread feeling, and put in 60 min of cardio. I am now up to 6 min running intervals (at a 11:15 min mile). Am working toward 10 min intervals and then hoping to up the speed to under the 11 min/mile mark. I don't know why I just want to be able to run an 11 min mile.

Greek Boy and I seem to have recovered from the earlier embarrassing incident and have moved into friend mode. Last two days of conversation have found me almost in a big sister mode, which I don't deny is kinda creepy.

Have been on a ridiculous challenge to see every movie (minus the foreign films and documentaries) on the Oscar list. Thus far have seen: Revolutionary Road, The Reader, Slumdog Millionaire, Benjamin Button, Rachel Getting Married, The Wrestler, Wall-E, The Duchess, Tropic Thunder, The Dark Knight, and Wanted. That's a lot of movies. And a lot of money. And a lot of popcorn.

For historic reasons it is prudent to note that it's been raining here for 2 days. Raining. In February. The city is a skating rink. Lots of people have fallen down and it's amusing.
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