Nov 17, 2004 22:48
First, what's your full name? Sarah Marie Beck
2) What are you wearing right now? Pink and black tank top, low rise jeans, pink lacy boy-cut shorts, white socks, white and pink shoes, and a smile! :)
3) What was the last thing you ate? diet wild cherry pepsi
4) What's your favorite type of music? everything!
6) What kind of toothpaste do you use? the stuff that cleans
7) Do you keep up with current events? yep
8) Give your approval rating of President George W. Bush on a 1-100% scale.
9) Do you floss? yep
10) Do you use any hair products? springing curl mousse, bed head curl up gel, and stay tight hair spray
1) What do you do over summer vacation? bartend, pilates, work out, sleep
12) Do you like getting your picture taken? kinda
13) Have you ever taken a picture with the lens cap still on? i've been known to have a blonde moment or two...or five :)
14) Are you good at keeping secrets? yes
15) Do you cry easily? yeah
16) Do you "brake for animals"? hehe...have you seen me drive! :)
17) So what school do you go to? Lawrence University
18) What grade are you in? junior
19) Do people at your school smoke in the bathroom? no
20) what percent of people at your school smoke? more than i'd like to
22) Do you like sports? hell yeah!
23) Are you online a lot? my computer is, but i'm not...if that makes sense
24) Do you frequently say "LOL" in an online converation? no, but i'm all about the smileys
25) Do you like watermelon? no
26) Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Optimist (i'm always kinda bubbly...sorry)
27) Did you ever own pogs? yeah
28) Have you ever had something in class that the teacher "took away" (besides a note or something)? not that i can remember
29) Has a teacher ever taken away a note of yours and read it in front of the class? yeah and then used it as material to translate to in spanish
30) What are your thoughts about abortion? i'm catholic and a democrat...i believe in abortion under certain circumstances, i believe in a woman's right to decide, and i don't think this issue, or gay marriage has any business being outlawed in the constitution.
31) What's your favorite card game? poker or egyptian rat race
32) Before a visit to the dentist, do you brush your teeth extra long to make up for the past months of neglect? nah, i just brush twice a day :)
33) Do you have a pet? Nina and Roxie
34) Which are better: cats or dogs? i love cats, except i'm allergic, so by default, my dogs are ok
35) When eating out at a restaurant, do you tip the server well? depends
36) Are you a nutt nutt about putt putt? huh?
37) Where's the perfect place to go on a date? coffee and a movie
38) Have you ever gotten into a fist fight? i'm the oldest of 4 fights were a means of survival!
39) If you were to attend a wedding reception, would you order chicken or beef? Chicken!
40) Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish? No
41) Do you think teachers have secretive romances with each other? oh yeah
42) What's your favorite season? summer
43) Have you ever dissected an animal? If so what? an earthworm...eww!
44) Have you ever seen a shooting star? nope
45) Ever been pulled over by the police? hehe...i'm a bit crazy when i drive
46) What's your favorite song of the moment? depends on the mood...i listen to everything!
47) What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend? Great personality (humor, easy to talk to, have a lot in common, etc)
48) When's your birthday? August 21st
49) Do you read horoscopes? not really
50) Using a scale of 1-100%, describe how rebellious you are. 10% i'm really just a good girl with a bit of a driving problem and a tendency to party
51) Do you find marine biology interesting? don't know much about it
52) Do you have any allergies? yep
53) Do you speak another language? deutsch, espanol, francais, english
54) Do you typically get along better with Mom or Dad? Definitely my mom! She rocks!
55) What is your favorite sport? To watch or play? I love watching football, but i love bunches of other sports too. my favorite 'sport' to do is dancing or pilates...but i don't think they're technically sports.
56) Do you play a musical instrument? once upon a time (piano and oboe)
57) Do you play video games? nope
58) Ever beaten a game? nope
59) Are you the outdoors type? occassionally
60) Are you easily influenced by other people? nah...i'm pretty independent
61) Are you a leader or a follower? leader
62) Are you artsy? i hope so, but probably not nearly enough
63) Describe yourself in three words. bold, bubbly, and blonde!
Name 3 people you couldn't live without: everyone that i'm fortunate enough to have in my life is irreplaceable!
Name 3 things you couldn't live without: music, exercise, shopping!
Girl or Boy?: girl
Do you own at least one Urban Outfitters shirt?: Nope
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch? on rare occassion
Have you ever heard of Hollister?: yeah...(twiddles thumbs nervously!)
Does the word Starbucks tickle your fancy?: yeah
Do you use moisterizer on your face at night?: morning and night
Have you seen the ocean?: nope
If so, where and when?:
Do you even like coffee?: Hell yeah!
If you do, do the baristas at your local Starbucks know you by name?: no
Does your mother listen in on your phone calls?: nope
Have you ever seen the movie, 'Thirteen'?: no
Are you a lazy arse or do you work?: i'm always doing something
Do you bite your nails?: Nope
If so, how long have you bitten them?: nope
Ever been to a frat party?: nah...;) (insert obvious sarcasm here!)
Ever been to San Diego?: no
Ever been to a frat party in San Diego?:no
Do you wear sunglasses?: yeah, if i don't lose them
Do you wear sunglasses inside?: nope
Do you wish on stars?: not yet
Do you listen to Jason Mraz?: who?
Do you wish you were Jason Mraz?: no
Do you 'sleep to dream'?: sometimes
go up to a random person and give them a hug?: yeah...i'm a little on the not-so-shy side
randomly drop on one knee and ask a stranger to marry you?: i'm crazy enough to do it for a laugh
burp in an upscale restaurant?: no, i'm not gross
skip school cause you dont want to run into your ex?: nah, why should i be uncomfortable with their presence?
party all night n blow off studying?: of course
go out with your best friend's ex?: no
break up a relationship just cause youre bored?: nope
go to a shopping area in pjs?: Yes
not shower for a week?: no
sleep outside naked: cold!
go to a nude beach?: maybe just to laugh
marry at 15?: eww
compete in a marathon?: no
kill an animal?: i only abuse my teddy bears!
move out of your parents house cause they got on your nerves? yes
have a tea party?: YES!
have a carwash for a cause but then keep the money and not give it away?: no
write poems to piss people off?: no
get a tattoo that covers your whole body?: No way
get your nipple pierced?: OWWWWWW! (WHY?!?)
toilet paper someones house just because?: hehe...maybe ;)
write a love letter to a celeberty?: nah, but when i was 5 i thought i was destined to marry michael's that for a world of wrong!
dedicate a day to reading?: i wish...i don't have the patience to sit still or shut up for longer than a minute (my personal record! :) )
What size of bed do you have?: King Size (yay for having a double single apartment in exec house!)
Is your floor carpeted?: yep
If so, what color is it?: brownish?
Do you have posters on your walls? Of what?: nope
Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?: typically, when i'm not overloading and pulled in a million different directions at once, i am a neat freak...this has not been the case thus far, this term. but it's not bad.
Are you allowed to eat in your room?: yep
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: 2
Do you take a shower daily?: twice daily
Do you wear purfume/cologne?: does body mist count...i'm a little poor right now
Do you wear deoderant?: Yes
Do you go outside often?: every day
Is your lawn green or brown?: fallish
Do you have a patio in the back?: at home yes, here, just a parking lot
Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage?: at home, two
How many trees are in your yard? zillions upon house is connected to a park with some of the biggest trees i've ever seen!
Are you male or female?: Female
Are you sure? i hope so, otherwise i've been confuzzled for a long while
Do you have any piercings?: ears, but i'm still debating on getting the navel done
Are you single or married?: single
Do you like your name?: no, it's so generic and common...i want something with more personality or color!
Do you like lotion? Chapstick? LOVE THEM.
Do you shave your legs? yes
Color: Pink
Number: 7
Letter: S&M (My initials...not what you're thinking!)
Day of the Week: Saturday
Teacher: Mc Quinn
Subject: Music History (any kind), Languages (any of them...well, maybe not german so much), and of course Voice
Animal: Pink Flamingos
Cereal: Special K with Berries
Ice Cream: Vanilla
TV Channel: Depends on what's on
TV Show: SNL, Sex and the City
Movie: Way too many to choose from!
Song: Again, impossible to decide
Sesame Street Character: Snuffy! (He always made me feel better about my nose)
Rugrat: Angelica
Character Residing in 100 Acre Woods: what is that?
Real World or Road Rules:
Nickelodeon or Disney: Disney
Jessica Simpson or Ashlee Simpson: EWWWWWWWwwwwww
Hilary Duff or Haylee Duff: more ewww
Day or Night: Night
Light or Dark: Dark outside
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Crayons or Colored Pencils: Colored pencils
Beach or Boardwalk: beach
Mall or Movies: can't i have both? :)
Boys or Girls: BOYS!
You'd take a bullet for a friend: yes
You'd die for love: yes
You'd kill for your best friend: no
You'd kiss your best friend: depending on which of my best friends (the male ones only please!)
All is fair in love and war: ok
Went to a party: YES!!!! (I am a party!)
Cried: yes
Lied to your parents: nah, just delaying knowledge for the time being
Got into an argument with a friend: nah, i'm too bubbly and happy to let things bother me
Got into a fight: nope
Been to the movies: yep yep
Been to the mall: my second home!
Broken the law: of course not...why what have you heard?! :)
Fallen in love: no, but developing a whole lotta like for someone...maybe, possibly, perhaps :)
Who's your best friend: i have bunches
Who would you choose between your best friend and all your other friends?: can't we all just get along? i love everyone in my life and wouldn't choose one person over another.
Who's your other friends: i have tons
Would you take your family over your friends: take them chuckie cheese?
Do you think you will stay friends with all of your current best friends: yes
How many people do you think you'll stay friends with in 20 years: a few
Do you trust all of your friends: yes
Can you laugh with all of your friends: Yeah
Friend you went somewhere with: late night grill run with ceilidh last night
- - where'd ya go?: Da Grill
Friend you had a sleepover with:
- - who's house did you sleepover?:
Argument you had: i can't remember...i don't argue with people
IM you recieved: an away message from travis "german...tan...time with travis!" ;)
Word you said: Sleep!
Person that signed on: Elena
TV Show you watched: The News
Movie you saw: Love Actually
Song you listened to: "Sarah"--Starship (song from the 80's)
Thing you ate: Diet Cherry Pepsi
Person you told you loved them: My momma
-*YeS oR n0*-
Do you believe in God? Yes
Do you love your life?: Yes
Do you smile a lot?: Nah...hehe! :)
Do you live your life spontaneously?: I am an experience...I like being crazy and unpredictable.
Are you the life of the party?: yep