Oct 06, 2005 11:27
sociology is interesting to read about....it sure as hell ain't interesting to listen to in class...especially from MY teacher...but i was reading some of it and it's pretty interesting....we're learning about Deviance and deviant behavior and how it is a necessity to life and community...which i thought was ammusing and true
think about it....if we had no deviance or crime we would have no justice...if we had no wrong...we wouldn't have a right...there is no such thing as a good person...because how would we know it was good if no one has done the bad
furthermore (hehe), there is never going to be a society without any deviance...it all depends on society itself on what is considered bad and wrong and good and right or whatever...let's say we did live in a perfect society where there was no murder and no raping and no such deviance that we know today....there would be a different kind of deviance...wouldn't there?
such as reading a book, or saying a certain word...what if everytime I said the word FUCK, i had to go to jail for a year....in a society like ours we consider that to be a little harsh, and mainly it's because there are much harsher things...but what if there wasn't anything harsher and saying FUCK was the ultimate crime