In which Pandora procrastinates

Jun 19, 2010 16:06

So. I typed up a massive fangirly entry about how I'm obsessed with Dance Academy now, which is really, really sad but I've never been cool in my life so whatever. But then LJ killed it. Maybe it was for the best - maybe it was a sign to get off LJ and write my gorram English essay (well maybe I could if I didn't keep getting bitten by plot bunnies in ballet shoes - there's another one.). So, I will. In a minute.

Also, I have a whole bunch of fic written for various fandoms, and stuff I still need to move over from my FFnet account, so look forward to those because someday, I will be bothered to post them. There's more KH stuff, and there's Harry Potter stuff, and there's The Tribe stuff (another bad TV show that I was shamefully addicted to), and Torchwood stuff, and Dance Academy stuff (*fends off dancing bunnies*) and I've got half written Beautiful People fic and half written Cats fic hiding somewhere that I may finish one day. So yeah, look forward to it!

Speaking of Cats, (no I'm not procrastinating shut up) I saw a production last week. Despite the most awful seats ever (thanks Dad) it was all sorts of amazing. I've gone to a lot of theatre this yeah - I've seen The Book of Everything, and That Face, and The Sapphires, and Cats, and I'm attempting to convince my mum to take me to Shakespeares R and J, and apparently my grandparents are taking me to see Our Town for my birthday (hurry up July!). All this theatre makes me a very happy Pandora.

Okay, I really have to write that essay now. It's freaking six hundered words (approx), it's not at all difficult what is my problem?

Okay, going now. Really.

AND ANOTHER THING (okay, so I lied.). I recently got into Tsubasa. *points at icon* All I can say is this: Never in my life have I stumbled upon so much crack. Or so much gay subtext (you know who I'm talking about). Seriously, my brain may have exploded.



i'll update someday really, fangirling, procrastination is awesome, theatre is love

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