May 02, 2011 17:09
SUP GUYS. And special hello to all new friends from the F!S Friending Meme. :)
Well, I'm back at school for my second last term ever. I'm actually doing a lot better than I have been this term - I spent most of last year and last term all over the place, but I've managed to pull my shit together. I've been getting the results for the exams I did last term, and I'm gonna let you guys in on a secret - STUDYING REALLY HELPS. I'm very happy with my marks - yes, I know it's a bit late to be figuring this out, but better late than never.
In fandomy news, I've been rewatching Baccano!, but this time in english (thank you, Funimation). I don't normally watch dubs, but I'd heard the Baccano! dub was really good, so I checked it out, and then got roped into rewatching the entire series. I must say, I love the dub muchly, particularly when I got to Episode 7 and SEXY ACCENTS EVERYWHERE. My voice kink, let me show you it.
In other news, we had the family over yesterday for my sisters birthday. I spent most of it in my room - I love my family, I really do, but I often find it hard to have conversations with them. I did attempt to explain video games to my grandmother, but I don't think I quite got there.
OH. I'm also thinking about making a fic journal as soon as I have time, so look out for that. :)
my mind works in mysterious ways,
procrastination is awesome,
life is totally awesome for once,
i love you guys,
lol random