Dec 22, 2021 12:17
I just received notice of my 8 year LJ-versary on this account, which I created for the sole purpose of posting here. Shortly after, I had an explosion of accounts for various characters.
Elliot has been with me since about 1999, but didn't have a name until I started writing here. His story grew during my time here and in writing him, I have learned so much about myself.
If I kept linear time, Elliot would be about 27 now. He'd have graduated college, interned with Armand, fallen in unrequited love with a prostitute, had his heart broken dozens of times, and would be in the early years of his career working towards something like a museum curator.
I play around with him on rp boards because it's fun, but his story hasnt changed much since it's establishment so many years ago. I still toy with writing his saga, I'm just not sure he has an audience.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, has compared to the thrill of writing him when I first joined this community. Thank you always for a special and fond time of my life.
[who] elliot whitley,
[fandom] original: asterisk,
!writer post