(no subject)

Dec 16, 2021 18:55

I kinda fell off social media for awhile and I dunno why I'm so surprised to find out that this place is a ghost town, but I guess I was hoping that you'd all just keep on keeping on, you know?

It's been a couple years now and I've pretty much made my way through Puerto Rico and upper South America doing the Habitat for Humanity thing. It was supposed to just be for a couple of months, but it was actually a really great time and it was good to lose myself in the work. I'd still be out there doing it too, if I hadn't gotten the call about Pops.

You know, I really took for granted that nothing was going to change while I was gone, and I'm not really sure why, because I sure as hell aren't the same.

Anyway. Pops got diagnosed with Lung Cancer. By the time he went in for a checkup, he was coughing up blood. Cookie says the tumor ate all the way into his bronchis which is like, a branch off the windpipe of whatever. They did a scan and its already spread to his chest and neck. Doctor's said they could do some chemo or something to shrink them but it won't buy him too much time in the long run and Pops said he doesn't want to go out like that. Skeletal and sick.

And I get it. But I'm angry, too. Pops has always been my rock and I can't really imagine things without him. I basically regret running off for so long. I feel like I squandered the last few years I coulda had working with him and learning from him.

I've been going by every day now that I'm home, and Brooke's moved home for a bit to help take care of Pops too.

This whole situation is so fucked and there really isn't anything any of us can do about it. He could be gone tomorrow. We'll be lucky if he makes it to Easter.

Anyway. I dunno. I guess I'm just screaming into the void or whatever.

[fandom] original: asterisk, [fandom] original: hey jude, [who] jude white

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