this is a writer giving in to the voice in her head ...

Aug 01, 2019 14:49

Character name: Deanna Troi
Canon/Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Canon age: early 30s
Occupation/School/Etc: Ship's Counselor and Diplomatic Officer, USS Enterprise. Rank: Lieutenant Commander. Graduate of Starfleet Academy, 2359. Graduate of the University of Betazed, 2361. Daughter of the 5th House of Betazed.
Married/Single/Etc: It's ... complicated ... and yet not.
Where does the character live: Deck 9, Section 10, USS Enterprise
Character/canon wiki links of interest: Deanna Troi on Memory Alpha and Deanna Troi on Memory Beta
Character's likes: all chocolate (except replicated), a long bath, hiking through the jungle, meditation, diplomacy
Character's dislikes: open hostility, assumptions of my skills, the ever pressing reminder that I have a role and a function within the boundaries of my place in Cyndriel society and how much I wish I could fulfill them through Starfleet.
Character pet peeves: my mother, replicated chocolate
Do you write fiction/fanfiction for this character? Links? Fic can be found over at AO3. The Imzadi storyline tag will go hand in hand with the fic that is posted over at AO3.
Are you involved in any RPG/etc for this character? No

And add any other items you would like for your fellow journalers to know.
I give in. I avoided it. I was like "No ... I'll do AUs because who cares about life in space ..." but screw it. Why not. Why not have a counselor from the 24th century hanging around? Why not have this empath with telepathic skills harass people other than ME for a while. So, here she is. We'll see if this idea works. And if it doesn't, well ... there's a link to my fic. ;)

As a note, right now, most of the ramblings will take place between seasons 3-6 of TNG. But we'll see where things go.

[who] deanna troi, !intro post, [storyline] imzadi, [fandom] star trek: tng

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