
Apr 09, 2019 20:42

So this article got posted yesterday and I've been sitting with it since then. Kyle Korver is one of the best. He's smart, he's thoughtful, and yesterday, he did something that was incredibly brave considering how racist people can be.

He challenged his fellow white men, especially his fellow players, to start thinking about race in the NBA and in their world at large.

Kyle's honest in this. He talks about his own journey. His own coming to understand where his own biases were. He apologized for his missteps. He took ownership for not listening like he should have over the years.

Kyle and I are the same age. Came into the league around the same time. Played together for a couple of years as he journeyed around. His knees didn't give out as fast as mine did. And honestly, I love that he was the one to write this piece. I just wish and hope that more people will follow his lead ...

It starts like this ...

When the police break your teammate’s leg, you’d think it would wake you up a little.

When they arrest him on a New York street, throw him in jail for the night, and leave him with a season-ending injury, you’d think it would sink in. You’d think you’d know there was more to the story.

You’d think.

But nope.

Go read it. It's powerful and passionate and see, our black teammates can talk about this issue until they can't breathe anymore ... but it's up to those of us who aren't black to make changes and lead.

[who] luke gadling (future), [fandom] original: beyond the arc

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