So. How amenable to visitors are you? I've decided to try and treat Sally and she loves horses now apparently (a revelation from literally five minutes ago, hence the abruptness of this).
I didn't want to impose is all. You're not on vacation, you're working, and in walks this asshole asking for accommodations and entertainment for his toddler.
Hah. There's plenty of food, plenty of toddler entertainment because you can never start them too young. And anyway, I like your company and after everyone goes home at night, it gets really frikkin quiet.
Well this is just the warm up for being excited for Daddy combined with I don't get home for another month but then I'm home all spring and summer. And then there's the pre-birthday excitement. And the post-birthday excitement. That lasts for about a month. So I figure she'll be calm by May. End of May. Ish. Well really there's no telling when she'll be calm. I was trying to plan when we could come when she would NOT be easily excitable but that's not going to happen. So you'll get a ball of 4 year old energy.
She'll fit in well with the other 4 year old balls of energy I work with. And you are welcome for as long as you want to come. Like I said, it gets quiet ...
I don't think I remember what quiet sounds like. Real quiet. There's always something going. Wheels on the road, the bus driver talking with the manager. Someone playing some video game or other. I don't think I'll know what to do with quiet.
No. The quiet is refreshing. Don't get me wrong if I could sing or have music going all the time I would be perfectly happy (provided it's the right music of course). But every so often the brain needs to recharge and silence does wonders for that. You won't even recognize me.
So. How amenable to visitors are you? I've decided to try and treat Sally and she loves horses now apparently (a revelation from literally five minutes ago, hence the abruptness of this).
You'll ... probably go crazy.
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