(no subject)

Mar 06, 2011 19:00

Sunday evening, another whirlwind of a day, I'm glad I don't have to get up so early for the new job, because an hour or so of extra sleep on the weekend meant getting up at 6. I've gotten so much done, but I feel kind of manic.

I can see and feel the results from all my heavy clearing out, there is space and flow.  I posted the cutest video here, a week or so ago of bookcases and the different ways the owners were organizing their books. I was so charmed by it. I watched it about 50 times and yesterday I organized my 2 bookcases by color or books. I LOVE  the way it looks, so fresh and funky.

I've learned more and more about genetically engineered foods and I see how some foods are not available as 100 percent organic. This pains me.  What am I eating? What are they creating? Damn you Monsanto!

My one inch avocado sprout is a GE plant, I know it won't fruit, maybe one chance in 50, but I don't like that it's been altered. Oh well. I need free plants.

Today I planted 2 garlic cloves, each in their own little pot; some jalapeno seeds, and a chunk of ginger. Tropical plants, but we'll see. They're on my desk, hopefully my one curious cat won't get up here. All plants must wear armor for protection, usually a cuff of aluminum foil. They're close to a window and I can leave my little desk lamp on for them.

I have some plastic containers I may adapt for spring and summer planting on my fire escape. I feel slightly obsessed with plants right now. I'm thinking about a shelf on the wall of my tub,high up for, for orchids. We'll see.

All this is in preparation for my friends' visit in 6 weeks!  B, my girlfriend and I are talking clothes and I want to dress up, part high, part low, festively and just let go. She's excited about the planning and clothes too, we've always been like that. B, the boy friend, is mellower on that front. I think he's really excited to hang out together, it's been so long. I'm so jazzed.

I walked to Whole Foods this afternoon for a few items and my debit card kept getting denied.  I knew I had money, but double checked on my phone. I called the bank's 800 number and they had closed the account last night because of a skype call made from Luxembourg for $18! They hadn't called me yet because it happened last night and no one from that department was in on Sunday. The guy was great, he opened my account for my groceries, then closed it back up. I'll have a new card in a week or so.

It's amazing how they are on it, in a snap! I was pissed at first then impressed. I made a couple of online purchases last week and think it was from that. I haven't been anywhere, like a restaurant, where they take your card away in awhile. This is the first time this has ever happened to me and I've been doing everything online for many years. It's kind of fascinating.

I'm very ready for my new job tomorrow. It isn't supposed to rain, (I'll be walking). I can't wait to see what it's like, the vibe, etc. I feel very strong and like I've had plenty of practice working since the last horrific job I was laid off from and no longer think every job will be like walking into the pits of hell. I realize it won't be like sinking into a vat of floral scented bubbles either. I just want a desk I can leave some stuff at, learn my job, do it well and see what type of people are there.

I painted my nails. They look great, so far. I'm drinking wine for the first time in about a month and a half. That's a good omen.

Have a good Monday friends!

birthday visit, work

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