Title: grand canyon
Author: salted_taiyaki
Pairing(s): Onew x Taemin
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG, PG-15
Summary: it's a large gap between them.
a/n: from the generator. i'm lacking in ontae, sigh.
grand canyon;
i. 12
jinki is almost blown away by the fact that taemin does not look down at his fingers once as they float across the blacks and whites in ephemeral beauty. those sixteenths are even and each note is ricocheting off taught strings and into the open sky (not exactly open, really, but the practice room may be as open as open can get here) before twinkling back down on their heads in little sweet droplets. he's almost tempted to tilt his head back and stick his tongue out because the melody is so tangible and he can almost taste it accumulating on his lips, the lullaby taemin said he's been working on.
but maybe it's almost expected, jinki thinks while taemin busily taps each key with a twang, because taemin is clearly obsessed with losing himself in the music, almost to the point of not even noticing his left foot repeatedly stepping on jinki's toes. jinki almost laughs, almost cries out because the bottom of taemin's high tops are pretty painful on his open flip flops, but holds them in as taemin continues to sway and play out the rest of his composition.
he must admit, however, that watching taemin with his eyes closed and mind shut to the outside world isn't exactly the most fun thing to do when they're alone in a pretty big, pretty empty practice room, so he spreads his fingers along the lower octaves of the piano and plays chords in accordance to taemin's song. the boy doesn't seem to notice it, continues to play what he's memorized, and the two play (though jinki is actually biting his tongue in laughter since he messes up a few times-okay, a lot-while improvising) together.
jinki glances down every once in a while, tonguing his cheek as he does so, and sees the great white expanse between his keys and the upper register where the melody plink plunks its way into the air. a bit disheartening, maybe, because it seems like taemin's fingers are so far away and isolated. so jinki slowly slowly makes his way up the hills and valleys of the keyboard to where taemin is and then, coincidentally, his pinky slams down on the c sharp just as taemin's index finger taps it and it's almost like a yodel calling out to taemin's conscience. the loud note shatters the concentration, pulls taemin down with a little yelp. taemin whips his head to the left, and,
"oh." they stare a bit wildly at each other until jinki glances down at taemin's hands in his laps and then back up into taemin's confused eyes.
jinki starts slowly, "hi," and then smiles. he covers the boy's hand with his own and squeezes it lightly to show him, simply because he knows words aren't necessary.
taemin smiles a toothy smile before playing the last three chords of his song and leaning in close to bridge the final gap between them with a kiss.
and, jinki thinks, perhaps this will be forever sweeter than any melody played from the most beautiful piano in the world.
ii. fingers
a tango. with each step forward comes a backwards hop, a sashay to the left returned with a rightward twirl. a tango with no beat, a tango with no purpose.
taemin frowns.
there's no reason, he thinks, for jinki to avoid him like this (when they've seen each other naked so many times before in other dressing rooms, in group showers, in bed) during their rehearsal, but apparently jinki has one that he's keeping to himself as he purposely swerves off the stage and onto the floor just to leave from the exit to the farthest left of the entire auditorium instead of passing by taemin and into the curtains behind them. taemin scoffs. jinki's such a pussy.
taemin stalks back to the dressing room where jinki had apparently rushed off to according to the frantic noonas with their powders and lipstick. he doesn't quietly open the door but busts it open instead to find
well. taemin bites his lip. that's new.
he watches jinki gracefully tumble backwards into the dresser with those ridiculous patterned pants pooled around his ankles and leather boots and one hand around a rather obvious erection.
taemin arches a brow. so
"this is what you've been hiding from me," he states rather plainly only to receive a meek shrug in reply. but taemin's kind of glad jinki doesn't make a move to hoist up his pants and bolt out the door (since he doesn't have quite the coordination to do so, especially with his blood down in his cock and not his spacious head) as the younger boy takes long strides towards the leader.
taemin drops to his knees rather beautifully with his hair pushed back over his shoulders, a smirk gracing his lips. jinki's feet never really were fit for tangoing anyway.
a/n: two completely different scenarios but you know, whatever hahaha. hope you enjoyed :)