Scalia Ridicules Court's Gay Sex Ruling First, isn't it going against the rules of the Court to speak out publically concerning a decision against which you've already written a dissenting opinion?
Hey, Justice Scalia, why don't you show me where in the "Oh, so precious!" Constitution that it outlaws sodomy. Hmmm? Where is it? Come on, you know it's there - point it out.
Stupid fuckhead. How can you get rid of a Supreme Court Justice, anyways? They're appointed for life.
Conservatives are such fucking backasswards robots. "The 50-year-old Intercollegiate Studies Institute is a private conservative education organization that sponsors lectures and conferences and scholarships. The group says its mission is to, 'enhance the rising generation's knowledge of our nation's founding principles - limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, free enterprise (news - web sites) and Judeo-Christian moral standards.'" Oh, that's it. Look backwards, and only look at one document from that time. Don't read the mounds of other texts available, like the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, personal letters between the "Founding Fathers", etc. You assholes are exactly like "Biblical scholars" - using narrow tunnel vision to propagate a warped view of what was really meant based on flawed grammar and personal vendettas.
And you know that "Scalia spoke after standing with some 800 others to recite the Pledge of Allegiance" because of the whole "...under God..." thing going on right now.
Stupid, backwards-looking, robotic morons.