Blackflies' Season - Again.

Jun 11, 2011 22:26

And the blackflies, the little blackflies,
Always the blackfly no matter where you go;
I'll die with the blackfly a-pickin' my bones,
In North Ontar-i-o-i-o, in North Ontar-i-o.

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И никакой DEET не помог. Боже, как все болит!!! Bites are shallow, and accomplished by first stretching the skin using teeth on the labrum and then abrading it with the maxillae and mandibles, cutting the skin and rupturing its fine capillaries. Feeding is facilitated by a powerful anticoagulant in the flies' saliva. Itching and localized swelling and inflammation sometimes occurs at the site of a bite; swelling can be quite pronounced depending on the species and the individual's immune response, and irritation may persist for several days to weeks. Intense feeding can cause "Black Fly Fever", with headache, nausea, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and aching joints; these symptoms are probably a reaction to a compound in the flies' salivary glands. Less commonly, severe allergic reactions may require hospitalization.[

hiking, ontario

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