Aug 01, 2004 14:14
fuck!!!..ok im mad and tired for 2 reasons 1= he didnt call like he said he would and 2= because i do soo much work around this house and my brother does NONE oops i mean he does some he takes out the garbage and mows the lawn..LIKe hello parents mowing the lawn is like a privllige to him and taking out the garbage and fucking do that i get the news paper why not take the garbage out at the same time.. well what im getting to here is that he gets to go every where like mikes the dominican the beach and everything while im here having a shitty summer cleaning!!!!!!!... he does nothing and gets to do everything while i doo soo much liek cleaning the showers bathroom dishes everynight and other shit while i get to do nothing!!!!!....grr this pisses me off..but i kinda feel better right now cuz i just did this 20 min workout i do everyday so it calms me down..but b4 my parents left to go out for a bit they said "nina finish the other half of teh kitchen u were suposse to do lastnight, do your chores, clean up a bit" liek hello does doin anythign around house mean nothing to u!..ahhhhhhhhhh someone get me out of this fucking place!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!