Oct 29, 2005 00:26
i have come to the conclusion my social life as of now and beefore stinks ...its bad. My parents make me call them like every hour well not hour but like when i leave when i come home,its terrible. My friends soemtimes dont wanna party with me because i have to call them all the damn time.. then they wonder why arnt u out nina? .. hmm MAYBE CUZ OF YOU!! so stressfull lol..im in the middle of having a breakdown.. but nothing really to sob over.. except the fact i am right now.. okl.wierd. My teachers, my friends, my parents tell me " Nina dont be so hard on yourself"..how am i not goin to be hard on myself when other ppl are and constantly put me down? please answer thatZ! I mena ok to make fun of my as jokes sure i say some stupid things i dont think of.. because im soo stressed and dont think before i speakk.. i now know why. My guidance councellor told me to slow down.. my math mark sucks cuz i was din soo well until i screweed up on my frist test and lost total confidence. now i just have no intentions on doing anywork.. and theres certain ppl I CAN NOT STAND!!!! just leave me alone and get the fuck out of my life.. i try everything in my power to stay away from these ppl.. but there always there.. i dont say anything to them..but they obviously have some way of making me feel like a complete idiot.
(p.s.s exscuse the typing)
anyways im outy! night all!! love you!
love always Nina!