Computer stuff

Jan 18, 2006 21:43

Yes this is as close to a real update as you will get from me for a bit.

Pretty much my life in a nutshell recently, FIRST. Yea I can just say one word to sum up my life for quite a long while.

In terms of health though I know Jeff, Karin, and Jessica are sick, oh boy, though I'm sure they feel worse than I can portray here.

as for the subject of this entry (Computer stuffs) my hard drive that I ordered from best buy came today, so of course being the geek I am had to put it into my computer (read on at the risk of geek talk).
I got a 160 Gb Hard drive, dvd read/write, cd write, and 128 mb of ram added to my system.
160gb - ordered and just came
dvd and cd stuff - traded my cd read drive for my sisters dvd read write cd read write drive, she doesn't need it anyway.
128mb - while I was trading the drives around I noticed the other computer had 2 sticks or ram in it so I pull out the one closer to me and it's 256, I check the one in the computer it's 128, so I swap them out and have extra now, she can deal.
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