Dec 14, 2008 19:38
Okay, so don't get me wrong, I like living in Portland. But I am PISSED. It snowed 3" today. Doesn't sound bad does it? Oh, also, the CITY IS SHUT DOWN FOR UP TO A WEEK. Why? NO SALT. It's almost that simple. "Our de-icing compound doesn't function properly below 20 degrees or so". It's going to be cold this week. So, even though it only snowed 3" on 1 day, the roads are going to be ice and crap for maybe a whole week, because they have NO PLOWS and NO SALT. Chains required, but that doesn't do much good really, though people think it does then they turn stupid. God, I haven't gotten to spend any time with Kerry in nearly a week, and now it might be two weeks before I can see her again because THIS CITY IS INCREADIBLY STUPID.