Jun 12, 2018 23:19
В Марте мы побывали в Бруклинском Детском Музее на индейском празднике, который называется Холи. Куча детей и взрослых в закрытом пространстве это оказалась не совсем то, что мне понравилось, но галочку мы поставили. Кстатии, там было одно место куда только маленьких деток с родителями пускают (даже без обуви) и мне впринципе мартышкино поведение понравилось. Он не стеснялся, подползал к другим детками и их родителям, наблюдал. А вот люди были какие-то совсем не приветливые. Когда мы на классы ходили (не в музей, а вообще), там народ был приветливый ко всем деткам. Так-же мы побывали в sensory gym, там повеселее но тоже блин, сколько народу! Я совсем себя чувствовала без кислороду. Но ничего, скоро потеплеет и мы будем больше outdoors -- где мало народу и много кислороду :)
Апрель -- New York Botanical Garden. Cherry blossom, magnolia blossom, narcissus blossom, and other blossoms. Martyshka was more interested in the grass than in flowers, though.
Май -- Heavenly Bodies Exhibition at the Met was great. Some of the items travelled out of the Vatican for the first time (unfortunately they couldn’t be photographed).
Так-же в Мае была Hudson River Valley -- Boscobel Gardens, Stonecrop Gardens, Tilly’s Alice with Tea, Hammond Museum and Japanese Stroll Gardens.
А так-же была поездка в Вирджинию:
First stop - Monticello. The great and the ugly. It’s a history of a smart and educated man Thomas Jefferson who had a great life that he highly enjoyed... enjoyed so much that he died well in debt and a history of slaves and broken lives.
You can drive up to Monticello and then take a shuttle to an actual estate but we are not looking for an easy way out, especially on such a sunny day. So we hiked a 2 mile trail and another 1 mile trail each way. 🙂 First ‘hike’ in like 1.5 yrs :)
Staunton was an important city and has a rich history. Although nowadays I felt like calling it the dead city as I could barely see anyone on the streets. We visited Woodrow Wilson’s presidential library and home. He was a dyslexic as a child yet managed to get a law degree, become a President of Princeton, a US Senator, and later 28th president of the United States. The only president with a PhD. We also visited Frontier Culture Museum - an outdoor museum which told a story of the people who migrated from the Old World to America and the live they created in the Shenandoah Valley.
Impressive Luray Cavens as well as a Toy Museum and Car and Carriage Museum (which included carriages for children as well). Cool stuff!
Shenandoah National Park. Skyline Drive. Limberlost Trail - the only stroller friendly trail in the park. But oops, there is snow on the ground. Martyshka is back on the sling. Plus, he seems to like the sling - gives him more visibility. Continued the day at the children’s museum/gym and ended with a dinner and gelato. He was a fan of gelato.
Rain didn’t prevent us from exploring Richmond. Executive Mansion, Canal Walk, Main Street Station... Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden as well as Maymont.
Another 80 degree day. Natural Bridge and Lexington. Lexington has a cozy historic district and is home to a very cute Washington and Lee University campus
Charlottesville. Visited what was left of the 5th President of the United States, James Monroe, home. Learned interesting facts - he was one of the 3 presidents who died on 4th of July, he was one of the two presidents who was not challenged when he went for second term, and he was great friends with the other two presidents - Madison and Jefferson. We also visited Virginia University campus (Rotunda, the Lawn, Fralin museum of art, etc). Loved this campus!
Quilt Museum. Jewelry Museum. Explore More Discovery (children’s museum). Judith J Cartier Arboretum