a few updates:
first i just want to put in in writing on the internet, i have the pleasure of keeping company with amazing people. tuli has been a goddam pillar for the house; without her i would certainly be singing a different tune. sean has been an awesome motivator; i am not surprised we've been friends since third grade. nic & pablo have kept me well fed with nearly weekly bbq's, which include stimulating conversation. matt helped put out the word that i needed a bike, preferably something laying around in someones garage, and courtney delivered just such an item. brandon was piercing at nothing shocking two years ago, which eventually led to a fortuitous meeting with Rachel, who i am entirely head over heels for. Katie gave me a fantastic haircut her salon, salon9, at a discounted price (go to her for haircuts, honestly, this is the first haircut ive ever got that i really dig, she has an amazing intuition for what will look good for each individual). Rachel pointed me in the direction of a catering company that put me on their work list (hopefully i'll see some work from that soon) and an old acquaintance is going to interview me for a graphic design assistant job on tuesday. I am hoping between the two i can start to make ends meet. this isn't to say look at all the amazing things that are happening to me, but rather, look at all the amazing things my family and friends are capable of.
and because pictures are fun.
my new haircut
Rachel and I, a warm summer night at the continental after watching back to the future on the back of the fox theater.
things are a big financially tight, and i'm skating on some pretty thin ice. but i've also been quite lucky as of late. i enjoy life a lot more when i'm optimistic.
also, my birthday is next saturday, aiming for a bbq at hillcrest park in fullerton from 2-6 and/or a party at the house later in the evening. a flyer will be going around shortly.