A New Woman (Cordelia; New; G/K)

May 22, 2014 23:10

Working Title: A New Woman
Author: Kat Lee
Character/Pairing: Cordelia, also mentions Xander/Cordelia and hints at Angel/Cordelia and Angel/Darla
Rating: G/K
Challenge: New
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy, not the author.

She turns away from her friends. As their laughter burns her cheeks, her head remains high.

She turns away from him in the hospital, unable to bare any more lies.

She turns away from home. Starving and penniless, she starts anew in the City of Lights.

She turns away from him, unable to bear seeing him throw away his revamped afterlife for another blonde bitch.

She turns away from her dreams, ready to accept her calling.

Each time, she begins anew. Each time, she becomes a new person, always closer to her true self and always lacking in the end.

The End


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