Parallel Lives (Buffy, Buffy/Arrow crossover)

Apr 27, 2014 20:37

Title: Parallel Lives
Author: punch_kicker15
Characters/relationship: Buffy, Oliver Queen, gen
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters
Written for: Open on Sunday
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Buffy/Arrow Crossover. Buffy reaches out to a friend.
Spoilers: All of BtVS, Massive spoilers for Seeing Red (the Arrow episode)
Prompt: ring

Buffy redialed, willing Ollie to pick up his phone.

They’d met last year fighting a demon smuggling ring in Starling City. They’d subdued demons and bonded over beers. It was oddly comforting to discover someone had so much in common with her. The challenges of keeping a secret identity, of trying to protect a vulnerable but strong-willed little sister.

Now his life mirrored hers in the worst possible way. She didn’t know what she’d say, but she had to try. It had meant so much, when her mom died, to talk to someone who’d been there too: It’s always sudden.

x-over, buffy

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