Saturday Morning Shopping (Cordy, Lorne; G/K; Market)

Mar 07, 2014 08:59

Title: Saturday Morning Shopping
Author: Kat Lee
Characters/Pairing: Cordelia, Angel
Rating: G/K
Challenge/Prompt: Market
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

There was little she loved more than shopping, but having him pay for her breakfast and purchases definitely topped the list. Their Saturday morning was perfect until he pulled her away from a booth.

"Not that one, Princess."

"Why not?"

"The Seer's eyes and Vampire's fangs would clash with your dress."

"Oh. Honestly, I don't know why you shop at such places, Lorne!"

"Honey," he said with a twist that made her smile, "you wouldn't a knock a store that sold Prada because of its Levi collection. This is no different." The open air market's next booth made her forget all about the prior.

The End

cordelia, lorne

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