Trying Out A New Phrase

Feb 25, 2014 02:03

Fandom: Angel the Series
Characters: Spike, Gunn, Angel, Wesley
Genre: Gen, no pairing
Prompt: solid

The men (and vampires) trudged back into the Wolfram and Hart basement exhausted, filthy and shaky from adrenaline. It had been an uglier fight than anticipated; twice as many demons as expected in a dangerously small space. Every one of them had been lucky to escape with their lives.

Teamwork had been the key to their victory. “Would have been dust if you hadn’t gotten that big one from behind, Charlie. You did me a solid there”, Spike said.

Gunn wrinkled his nose.

“What? Did say it wrong?”

“I guess not, just…it sounds weird in that accent”, Gunn replied.

spike, gunn, ats5

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