Bound To Him (Angel/Cordy, Dennis, Doyle; PG/K+; Bound)

Feb 01, 2014 14:17

Title: Bound To Him
Author: Kat Lee
Characters/Pairing: No one is actually named, but I had in mind Angel/Cordelia, Dennis, and Doyle.
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: Bound
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, not the author.

She is bound to him, both in Earth and Heaven. She loved him while mortal; she'll love him for all eternity. She's with him every step as his journey continues after her own ends. She sees him through the evil law firm and witnesses many of their friends fall in what he thinks, and hopes, will be his last battle. She sees him reunited with others, sees him love her enemy, and still, she cannot turn away. She's with him every step, no matter how painful, never knowing she, too, is being watched by two she still can not see.

The End

(((I just noticed a tag for late fic, so does this mean it's okay to post our drabbles maybe one or two days late if we really, really try to get them posted in time and just can't for some reason?))

dennis, angel/cordelia, doyle

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