Grow Up (Spike, Wesley - PG)

Oct 13, 2013 05:22

Prompt: Alanis Morrisette "It's A Bitch To Grow Up"
Characters: Wesley, Spike - set in AtS season 5

Spike remembered the Watcher from Sunnydale; a guy who had a stick up his ass and a penchant for doing everything by the book. The man he saw before him now at Wolfram and Hart was almost unrecognizable.

Wesley was just as likely to shoot someone as look at them if they displeased him, and he certainly didn’t go by any rules but his own these days. That much was clear within weeks.

Finally, he just asked. “What happened to you, Wes?”

With a sigh, Wes replied, “Long story mate, but let’s just say it’s a bitch to grow up.”

spike, wesley, ats5

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